Title 43

PART 8200

Part 8200 - Procedures

PART 8200 - PROCEDURES Authority:43 U.S.C. 1181 (a) and (e), 43 U.S.C. 1201, 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq. Source:43 FR 40735, Sept. 12, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

43: 8200
Subpart 8200 - General
43: 8200.0-1
   8200.0-1 Purpose.
43: 8223
Subpart 8223 - Research Natural Areas
43: 8223.0-1
   8223.0-1 Purpose.
43: 8223.0-5
   8223.0-5 Definitions.
43: 8223.0-6
   8223.0-6 Policy.
43: 8223.1
   8223.1 Use of research natural areas.
43: 8224
Subpart 8224 - Fossil Forest Research Natural Area
43: 8224.0-1
   8224.0-1 Purpose.
43: 8224.0-2
   8224.0-2 Objectives.
43: 8224.0-3
   8224.0-3 Authority.
43: 8224.0-5
   8224.0-5 Definitions.
43: 8224.0-6
   8224.0-6 Policy.
43: 8224.1
   8224.1 Use of the Fossil Forest Research Natural Area.
43: 8224.2
   8224.2 Penalties.