Title 43
PART 3860 SUBPART 3864
Subpart 3864 - Millsite Patents Source: 35 FR 9758, June 13, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
- 30 U.S.C. 22 et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.
- Source:
43: | SECTION 3864.1 | 3864.1 Millsite patents: General. | |
43: | SECTION 3864.1-1 | 3864.1-1 Application for patent. | |
43: | SECTION 3864.1-2 | 3864.1-2 Millsites applied for in conjunction with a lode claim. | |
43: | SECTION 3864.1-3 | 3864.1-3 Millsites for quartz mills or reduction works. | |
43: | SECTION 3864.1-4 | 3864.1-4 Proof of nonmineral character. | |
43: | SECTION 3864.1-5 | 3864.1-5 Fees. |