Title 43
PART 3430 SUBPART 3436
Subpart 3436 - Coal Lease and Coal Land Exchanges: Alluvial Valley Floors Source: 47 FR 33145, July 30, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
- 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; 30 U.S.C. 521-531; 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.; and 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.
- Source: 44 FR 42628, July 19, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
43: | SECTION 3436.0-1 | 3436.0-1 Purpose. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.0-2 | 3436.0-2 Objective. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.0-3 | 3436.0-3 Authority. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.0-5 | 3436.0-5 Definitions. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.1 | 3436.1 Coal lease exchanges. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.1-1 | 3436.1-1 Qualified lease proponents. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.1-2 | 3436.1-2 Federal coal deposits subject to lease by exchange. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.2 | 3436.2 Fee coal exchanges. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.2-1 | 3436.2-1 Qualified exchange proponents. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.2-2 | 3436.2-2 Federal coal deposits subject to disposal by exchange. | |
43: | SECTION 3436.2-3 | 3436.2-3 Exchange procedures. |