Title 43
PART 3140 SUBPART 3140
Subpart 3140 - Conversion of Existing Oil and Gas Leases and Valid Claims Based on Mineral Locations Source: 47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
- 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; 95 Stat. 1070; 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109-58), unless otherwise noted.
- Source:
43: | SECTION 3140.0-1 | 3140.0-1 Purpose. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.0-3 | 3140.0-3 Authority. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.0-5 | 3140.0-5 Definitions. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.1 | 3140.1 General provisions. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.1-1 | 3140.1-1 Existing rights. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.1-2 | 3140.1-2 Notice of intent to convert. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.1-3 | 3140.1-3 Exploration plans. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.1-4 | 3140.1-4 Other provisions. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.2 | 3140.2 Applications. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.2-1 | 3140.2-1 Forms. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.2-2 | 3140.2-2 Who may apply. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.2-3 | 3140.2-3 Application requirements. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.3 | 3140.3 Time limitations. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.3-1 | 3140.3-1 Conversion applications. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.3-2 | 3140.3-2 Action on an application. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.4 | 3140.4 Conversion. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.4-1 | 3140.4-1 Approval of plan of operations (and unit and operating agreements). | |
43: | SECTION 3140.4-2 | 3140.4-2 Issuance of the combined hydrocarbon lease. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.5 | 3140.5 Duration of the lease. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.6 | 3140.6 Use of additional lands. | |
43: | SECTION 3140.7 | 3140.7 Lands within the National Park System. |