Title 43
PART 2620 SUBPART 2623
Subpart 2623 - School Land Grants to Certain States Extended To Include Mineral Sections Source: 35 FR 9609, June 18, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
- R.S. 2478; 43 U.S.C. 1201.
- Source:
43: | SECTION 2623.0-3 | 2623.0-3 Authority. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.0-7 | 2623.0-7 Cross reference. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.0-8 | 2623.0-8 Lands subject to selection. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.1 | 2623.1 Effective date of grant. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.2 | 2623.2 Claims protected. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.3 | 2623.3 States not permitted to dispose of lands except with reservation of minerals. | |
43: | SECTION 2623.4 | 2623.4 Grant of mineral school sections effective upon restoration of land from reservation. |