Title 42

PART 64a

Part 64a - Obligated Service For Mental Health Traineeships

PART 64a - OBLIGATED SERVICE FOR MENTAL HEALTH TRAINEESHIPS Authority:Sec. 803, Pub. L. 96-398, 94 Stat. 1607-1608 (42 U.S.C. 242a). Source:46 FR 39979, Aug. 5, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

42: 64a.101
   64a.101 Purpose.
42: 64a.102
   64a.102 To whom do these regulations apply
42: 64a.103
   64a.103 Definitions.
42: 64a.104
   64a.104 What requirements are imposed upon grantees
42: 64a.105
   64a.105 What are the conditions of obligated service