Title 42

PART 59a

Part 59a - National Library Of Medicine Grants

PART 59a - NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE GRANTS Source:56 FR 29189, June 26, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

42: A
Subpart A - Grants for Establishing, Expanding, and Improving Basic Resources
42: 59a.1
   59a.1 Programs to which these regulations apply.
42: 59a.2
   59a.2 Definitions.
42: 59a.3
   59a.3 Who is eligible for a grant
42: 59a.4
   59a.4 How are grant applications evaluated
42: 59a.5
   59a.5 Awards.
42: 59a.6
   59a.6 How may funds or materials be used
42: 59a.7
   59a.7 Other HHS regulations that apply.
42: B
Subpart B - Establishment of Regional Medical Libraries
42: 59a.11
   59a.11 Programs to which these regulations apply.
42: 59a.12
   59a.12 Definitions.
42: 59a.13
   59a.13 Who is eligible for a grant
42: 59a.14
   59a.14 How to apply.
42: 59a.15
   59a.15 Awards.
42: 59a.16
   59a.16 What other conditions apply
42: 59a.17
   59a.17 Other HHS regulations that apply.