Title 42


Part 54 - Charitable Choice Regulations Applicable To States Receiving Substance Abuse Prevention And Treatment Block Grants And/or Projects For Assistance In Transition From Homelessness Grants

PART 54 - CHARITABLE CHOICE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO STATES RECEIVING SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT BLOCK GRANTS AND/OR PROJECTS FOR ASSISTANCE IN TRANSITION FROM HOMELESSNESS GRANTS Authority:42 U.S.C. 300x-65, et seq., 42 U.S.C. 290kk, et seq., 42 U.S.C. 300x-21, et seq., 42 U.S.C. 290cc-21, et seq., and 42 U.S.C. 2000bb, et seq. Source:68 FR 56444, Sept. 30, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

42: 54.1
   54.1 Scope.
42: 54.2
   54.2 Definitions.
42: 54.3
   54.3 Nondiscrimination against religious organizations.
42: 54.4
   54.4 Religious activities.
42: 54.5
   54.5 Religious character and independence.
42: 54.6
   54.6 Employment practices.
42: 54.7
   54.7 Nondiscrimination requirement.
42: 54.8
   54.8 Right to services from an alternative provider.
42: 54.9
   54.9 Assurances and State oversight of the Charitable Choice requirements.
42: 54.10
   54.10 Fiscal accountability.
42: 54.11
   54.11 Effects on State and local funds.
42: 54.12
   54.12 Treatment of intermediate organizations.
42: 54.13
   54.13 Educational requirements for personnel in drug treatment programs.