Title 42

PART 52i

Part 52i - National Institute On Minority Health And Health Disparities Research Endowment Programs

PART 52i - NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON MINORITY HEALTH AND HEALTH DISPARITIES RESEARCH ENDOWMENT PROGRAMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 216, 285t-285t-1. Source:80 FR 53744, Sept. 8, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

42: 52i.1
   52i.1 To what programs does this part apply
42: 52i.2
   52i.2 Definitions.
42: 52i.3
   52i.3 Who is eligible to apply
42: 52i.4
   52i.4 Under what conditions may an eligible institution designate a foundation as the recipient of a research endowment grant
42: 52i.5
   52i.5 How to apply for a grant.
42: 52i.6
   52i.6 Evaluation and award of research endowment grant applications.
42: 52i.7
   52i.7 Grant awards.
42: 52i.8
   52i.8 When and for what purposes may a grantee spend the endowment fund corpus
42: 52i.9
   52i.9 How much endowment fund income may a grantee spend and for what purposes
42: 52i.10
   52i.10 How shall a grantee calculate the amount of endowment fund income that it may withdraw and spend
42: 52i.11
   52i.11 What shall a grantee record and report
42: 52i.12
   52i.12 What happens if a grantee fails to administer the research endowment grant in accordance with applicable regulations
42: 52i.13
   52i.13 Other HHS policies and regulations that apply.
42: 52i.14
   52i.14 Additional conditions.