Title 42
Subpart D - Grants for Venereal Disease Control Programs
- Secs. 317 and 318, Public Health Service Act, 92 Stat. 3574 and 3582 (42 U.S.C. 247b, 247c); sec. 1743 Pub. L. 97-35, 95 Stat. 763 (31 U.S.C. 1243 note).
- Source:
42: | SECTION 51b.401 | 51b.401 To which programs does this subpart apply | |
42: | SECTION 51b.402 | 51b.402 Definitions. | |
42: | SECTION 51b.403 | 51b.403 Who is eligible for a grant under this subpart | |
42: | SECTION 51b.404 | 51b.404 What are the confidentiality requirements | |
42: | SECTION 51b.405 | 51b.405 What information is required in the application | |
42: | SECTION 51b.406 | 51b.406 How will grant applications be evaluated and the grants awarded | |
42: | SECTION 51b.407 | 51b.407 How can grant funds be used |