Title 42
Subpart C - Payment for Inpatient Hospital and Long-Term Care Facility Services Source: 46 FR 47971, Sept. 30, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
- 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1396r-8.
- Source: 43 FR 45253, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
42: | SUBJGRP 110 | Payment Rates | |
42: | SECTION 447.250 | 447.250 Basis and purpose. | |
42: | SECTION 447.251 | 447.251 Definitions. | |
42: | SECTION 447.252 | 447.252 State plan requirements. | |
42: | SECTION 447.253 | 447.253 Other requirements. | |
42: | SECTION 447.255 | 447.255 Related information. | |
42: | SECTION 447.256 | 447.256 Procedures for CMS action on assurances and State plan amendments. | |
42: | SUBJGRP 111 | Federal Financial Participation | |
42: | SECTION 447.257 | 447.257 FFP: Conditions relating to institutional reimbursement. | |
42: | SUBJGRP 112 | Upper Limits | |
42: | SECTION 447.271 | 447.271 Upper limits based on customary charges. | |
42: | SECTION 447.272 | 447.272 Inpatient services: Application of upper payment limits. | |
42: | SUBJGRP 113 | Swing-Bed Hospitals | |
42: | SECTION 447.280 | 447.280 Hospital providers of NF services (swing-bed hospitals). |