Title 42
Subpart H - Home and Community-Based Services Waivers for Individuals Age 65 or Older: Waiver Requirements Source: 57 FR 29156, June 30, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
- 42 U.S.C. 1302.
- Source: 43 FR 45229, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
42: | SECTION 441.350 | 441.350 Basis and purpose. | |
42: | SECTION 441.351 | 441.351 Contents of a request for a waiver. | |
42: | SECTION 441.352 | 441.352 State assurances. | |
42: | SECTION 441.353 | 441.353 Supporting documentation required. | |
42: | SECTION 441.354 | 441.354 Aggregate projected expenditure limit (APEL). | |
42: | SECTION 441.355 | 441.355 Duration, extension, and amendment of a waiver. | |
42: | SECTION 441.356 | 441.356 Waiver termination. | |
42: | SECTION 441.357 | 441.357 Hearing procedures for waiver denials. | |
42: | SECTION 441.360 | 441.360 Limits on Federal financial participation (FFP). | |
42: | SECTION 441.365 | 441.365 Periodic evaluation, assessment, and review. |