Title 42
Subpart F - Sterilizations Source: 43 FR 52171, Nov. 8, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
- 42 U.S.C. 1302.
- Source: 43 FR 45229, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
42: | SECTION 441.250 | 441.250 Applicability. | |
42: | SECTION 441.251 | 441.251 Definitions. | |
42: | SECTION 441.252 | 441.252 State plan requirements. | |
42: | SECTION 441.253 | 441.253 Sterilization of a mentally competent individual aged 21 or older. | |
42: | SECTION 441.254 | 441.254 Mentally incompetent or institutionalized individuals. | |
42: | SECTION 441.255 | 441.255 Sterilization by hysterectomy. | |
42: | SECTION 441.256 | 441.256 Additional condition for Federal financial participation (FFP). | |
42: | SECTION 441.257 | 441.257 Informed consent. | |
42: | SECTION 441.258 | 441.258 Consent form requirements. | |
42: | SECTION 441.259 | 441.259 Review of regulations. | |
42: | APPENDIX | Appendix to Subpart F of Part 441 - Required Consent Form |