Title 42
Subpart F - Refunding of Federal Share of Medicaid Overpayments to Providers Source: 54 FR 5460, Feb. 3, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
- Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act, (42 U.S.C. 1302).
- Source: 43 FR 45201, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
42: | SECTION 433.300 | 433.300 Basis. | |
42: | SECTION 433.302 | 433.302 Scope of subpart. | |
42: | SECTION 433.304 | 433.304 Definitions. | |
42: | SECTION 433.310 | 433.310 Applicability of requirements. | |
42: | SECTION 433.312 | 433.312 Basic requirements for refunds. | |
42: | SECTION 433.316 | 433.316 When discovery of overpayment occurs and its significance. | |
42: | SECTION 433.318 | 433.318 Overpayments involving providers who are bankrupt or out of business. | |
42: | SECTION 433.320 | 433.320 Procedures for refunds to CMS. | |
42: | SECTION 433.322 | 433.322 Maintenance of Records. |