Title 42


Subpart J - Indian Health Care Improvement Act Programs Authority:Secs. 102, 103, 106, 502, 702, and 704 of Pub. L. 94-437 (25 U.S.C. 1612, 1613, 1615, 1652, 1672 and 1674); sec. 338G of the Public Health Service Act, 95 Stat. 908 (42 U.S.C. 254r). Source:42 FR 59646, Nov. 18, 1977, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 67 FR 35342, May 17, 2002.

42: 43
Subdivision J-1 - Provisions of General and Special Applicability
42: 136.301
   136.301 Policy and applicability.
42: 136.302
   136.302 Definitions.
42: 136.303
   136.303 Indians applying for scholarships.
42: 136.304
   136.304 Publication of a list of allied health professions.
42: 136.305
   136.305 Additional conditions.
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Subdivision J-2 - Health Professions Recruitment Program for Indians
42: 136.310
   136.310 Health professions recruitment grants.
42: 136.311
   136.311 Eligibility.
42: 136.312
   136.312 Application.
42: 136.313
   136.313 Evaluation and grant awards.
42: 136.314
   136.314 Use of funds.
42: 136.315
   136.315 Publication of list of grantees and projects.
42: 136.316
   136.316 Other HHS regulations that apply.
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Subdivision J-3 - Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians
42: 136.320
   136.320 Preparatory scholarship grants.
42: 136.321
   136.321 Eligibility.
42: 136.322
   136.322 Application and selection.
42: 136.323
   136.323 Scholarship and tuition.
42: 136.324
   136.324 Availability of list of recipients.
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Subdivision J-4 - Indian Health Scholarship Program
42: 136.330
   136.330 Indian health scholarships.
42: 136.331
   136.331 Selection.
42: 136.332
   136.332 Service obligation.
42: 136.333
   136.333 Distribution of scholarships.
42: 136.334
   136.334 Publication of a list of recipients.
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Subdivision J-5 - Continuing Education Allowances
42: 136.340
   136.340 Provision of continuing education allowances.
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Subdivision J-6 - Contracts With Urban Indian Organizations
42: 136.350
   136.350 Contracts with Urban Indian organizations.
42: 136.351
   136.351 Application and selection.
42: 136.352
   136.352 Fair and uniform provision of services.
42: 136.353
   136.353 Reports and records.
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Subdivision J-7 - Leases With Indian Tribes
42: 136.360
   136.360 Leases with Indian tribes.
42: 50
Subdivision J-8 - Health Professions Pregraduate Scholarship Program for Indians
42: 136.370
   136.370 Pregraduate scholarship grants.
42: 136.371
   136.371 Eligibility.
42: 136.372
   136.372 Application and selection.
42: 136.373
   136.373 Scholarship and tuition.
42: 136.374
   136.374 Availability of list of recipients.