Title 42


Subpart H - Recovery of Grant Funds Authority:Secs. 609 and 1622 of the Public Health Service Act as amended 98 Stat. 112 (42 U.S.C. 291i and 300s-1a). Source:51 FR 7939, Mar. 7, 1986, unless otherwise noted.

42: 124.701
   124.701 Applicability.
42: 124.702
   124.702 Definitions.
42: 124.703
   124.703 Federal right of recovery.
42: 124.704
   124.704 Notification of sale, transfer, or change of use.
42: 124.705
   124.705 Amount of recovery.
42: 124.706
   124.706 Calculation of interest.
42: 124.707
   124.707 Waiver of recovery where facility is sold or transferred to a proprietary entity.
42: 124.708
   124.708 Waiver of recovery - good cause for other use of facility.
42: 124.709
   124.709 Withdrawal of waiver.