Title 42

PART 1008

Part 1008 - Advisory Opinions By The Oig

PART 1008 - ADVISORY OPINIONS BY THE OIG Authority:42 U.S.C. 1320a-7d(b). Source:62 FR 7357, Feb. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

42: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
42: 1008.1
   1008.1 Basis and purpose.
42: 1008.3
   1008.3 Effective period.
42: 1008.5
   1008.5 Matters subject to advisory opinions.
42: B
Subpart B - Preliminary Obligations and Responsibilities of the Requesting Party
42: 1008.11
   1008.11 Who may submit a request.
42: 1008.15
   1008.15 Facts subject to advisory opinions.
42: 1008.18
   1008.18 Preliminary questions suggested for the requesting party.
42: C
Subpart C - Advisory Opinion Fees
42: 1008.31
   1008.31 OIG fees for the cost of advisory opinions.
42: 1008.33
   1008.33 Expert opinions from outside sources.
42: D
Subpart D - Submission of a Formal Request for an Advisory Opinion
42: 1008.36
   1008.36 Submission of a request.
42: 1008.37
   1008.37 Disclosure of ownership and related information.
42: 1008.38
   1008.38 Signed certifications by the requestor.
42: 1008.39
   1008.39 Additional information.
42: 1008.40
   1008.40 Withdrawal.
42: E
Subpart E - Obligations and Responsibilities of the OIG
42: 1008.41
   1008.41 OIG acceptance of the request.
42: 1008.43
   1008.43 Issuance of a formal advisory opinion.
42: 1008.45
   1008.45 Rescission, termination or modification.
42: 1008.47
   1008.47 Disclosure.
42: F
Subpart F - Scope and Effect of OIG Advisory Opinions
42: 1008.51
   1008.51 Exclusivity of OIG advisory opinions.
42: 1008.53
   1008.53 Affected parties.
42: 1008.55
   1008.55 Admissibility of evidence.
42: 1008.59
   1008.59 Range of the advisory opinion.