Title 41


Subpart A - Preliminary Matters; Equal Opportunity Clause; Compliance Reports Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to subpart A appear at 85 FR 71570, Nov. 10, 2020.

41: 60-1.1
   60-1.1 Purpose and application.
41: 60-1.2
   60-1.2 Administrative responsibility.
41: 60-1.3
   60-1.3 Definitions.
41: 60-1.4
   60-1.4 Equal opportunity clause.
41: 60-1.5
   60-1.5 Exemptions.
41: 60-1.6
   60-1.6 [Reserved]
41: 60-1.7
   60-1.7 Reports and other required information.
41: 60-1.8
   60-1.8 Segregated facilities.
41: 60-1.9
   60-1.9 Compliance by labor unions and by recruiting and training agencies.
41: 60-1.10
   60-1.10 Foreign government practices.
41: 60-1.11
   60-1.11 Payment or reimbursement of membership fees and other expenses to private clubs.
41: 60-1.12
   60-1.12 Record retention.