Appendix C to Part 60-300 - Review of Personnel Processes
41: : Appendix C
Appendix C to Part 60-300 - Review of Personnel Processes
The following is a set of procedures which contractors may use
to meet the requirements of § 60-300.44(b):
1. The application or personnel form of each known applicant who
is a protected veteran should be annotated to identify each vacancy
for which the applicant was considered, and the form should be
quickly retrievable for review by the Department of Labor and the
contractor's personnel officials for use in investigations and
internal compliance activities.
2. The personnel or application records of each known protected
veteran should include (i) the identification of each promotion for
which the protected veteran was considered, and (ii) the
identification of each training program for which the protected
veteran was considered.
3. In each case where an employee or applicant who is a
protected veteran is rejected for employment, promotion, or
training, the contractor should prepare a statement of the reason
as well as a description of the accommodations considered (for a
rejected disabled veteran). The statement of the reason for
rejection (if the reason is medically related), and the description
of the accommodations considered, should be treated as confidential
medical records in accordance with § 60-300.23(d). These materials
should be available to the applicant or employee concerned upon
4. Where applicants or employees are selected for hire,
promotion, or training and the contractor undertakes any
accommodation which makes it possible for him or her to place a
disabled veteran on the job, the contractor should make a record
containing a description of the accommodation. The record should be
treated as a confidential medical record in accordance with §