Title 41

PART 115

Part 115-1 - Introduction

PART 115-1 - INTRODUCTION Authority:Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 377, as amended; 40 U.S.C. 486(c). Source:36 FR 8568, May 8, 1971, unless otherwise noted.

41: 115
Subpart 115-1.1 - Regulation System
41: 115-1.100
   115-1.100 Scope of subpart.
41: 115-1.103
   115-1.103 Temporary-type FPMR.
41: 115-1.103-50
   115-1.103-50 Temporary-type changes to EPPMR.
41: 115-1.104
   115-1.104 Publication of FPMR.
41: 115-1.104-50
   115-1.104-50 Publication of EPPMR.
41: 115-1.106
   115-1.106 Applicability of FPMR.
41: 115-1.108
   115-1.108 Agency implementation and supplementation of FPMR.
41: 115-1.109
   115-1.109 Numbering in FPMR system.
41: 115-1.110
   115-1.110 Deviations.