Title 40
SECTION 86.1804-01
86.1804-01 Acronyms and abbreviations.
§ 86.1804-01 Acronyms and abbreviations.The following abbreviations apply to this subpart:
A/C - Air conditioning. AECD - Auxiliary emission control device. A/F - Air/Fuel ALVW - Adjusted Loaded Vehicle Weight. API - American Petroleum Institute. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. BAT - Bench-Aging Time C - Celsius. cfm - Cubic feet per minute. CFV - Critical flow venturi. CFV-CVS - Critical flow venturi - constant volume sampler. CH3OH - Methanol. CID - Cubic inch displacement. Cl - Chemiluminescence. CO - Carbon monoxide. CO2 - Carbon dioxide. conc. - Concentration. CST - Certification Short Test. cu. in. - Cubic inch(es). CVS - Constant volume sampler. DDV - Durability Data Vehicle. deg. - Degree(s). DNPH - 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. EDV - Emission Data Vehicle. EP - End point. ETW - Equivalent test weight. F - Fahrenheit. FEL - Family Emission Limit. FID - Flame ionization detector. ft. - Feet. FTP - Federal Test Procedure. g - gram(s). gal. - U.S. gallon(s). GC - Gas chromatograph. GVW - Gross vehicle weight. GVWR - Gross vehicle weight rating. H2O - Water. HC - Hydrocarbon(s). HCHO - Formaldehyde. HDV - Heavy-duty vehicle. HEV - Hybrid electric vehicle. HFID - Heated flame ionization detector. Hg - Mercury. HLDT - Heavy light-duty truck. Includes only those trucks over 6000 pounds GVWR (LDT3s and LDT4s). HLDT/MDPV - Heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles. hp - Horsepower. HPLC - High-pressure liquid chromatography. IBP - Initial boiling point. in. - Inch(es). IUVP - In-Use Verification Program. K - Kelvin. kg - Kilogram(s). km - Kilometer(s). kPa - Kilopascal(s). lb. - Pound(s). LDT1 - Light-duty truck 1. LDT2 - Light-duty truck 2. LDT3 - Light-duty truck 3. LDT4 - Light-duty truck 4. LDV/LLDT - Light-duty vehicles and light light-duty trucks. Includes only those trucks rated at 6000 pounds GVWR or less (LDT1s and LDT2s). LDV/T - Light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks. This term is used collectively to include, or to show that a provision applies to, all light-duty vehicles and all categories of light-duty trucks, i.e. LDT1, LDT2, LDT3 and LDT4. LEV - Low Emission Vehicle. LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas. m - Meter(s). max. - Maximum. MDPV - Medium-duty passenger vehicle. mg - Milligram(s). mi. - Mile(s). min. - Minimum. ml - Milliliter(s). mm - Millimeter(s). mph - Miles per hour. mV - Millivolt N2 - Nitrogen. NDIR - Nondispersive infrared. NLEV - Refers to the National Low Emission Vehicle Program. Regulations governing this program are found at subpart R of this part. NMHC - Nonmethane Hydrocarbons. NMHCE - Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Equivalent. NMOG - Non-methane organic gases. NO - nitric oxide. No. - Number. O2 - Oxygen. OEM - Original equipment manufacturer. NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide. NOX - Oxides of nitrogen. Pb - Lead. pct. - Percent. PDP-CVS - Positive displacement pump - constant volume sampler. ppm - Parts per million by volume. PM - Particulate Matter. ppm C - Parts per million, carbon. psi - Pounds per square inch. R - Rankin. RAF - Reactivity adjustment factor. rpm - Revolutions per minute. RVP - Reid vapor pressure. s - Second(s). SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers. SBC - Standard Bench Cycle SFTP - Supplemental Federal Test Procedure. SI - International system of units. SRC - Standard Road Cycle SULEV - Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle. TD - dispensed fuel temperature. THC - Total Hydrocarbons. THCE - Total Hydrocarbon Equivalent. TLEV - Transitional Low Emission Vehicle. UDDS - Urban dynamometer driving schedule. ULEV - Ultra Low Emission Vehicle. UV - Ultraviolet. vs - Versus. W - Watt(s). WOT - Wide open throttle. Wt. - Weight. ZEV - Zero Emission Vehicle. [64 FR 23925, May 4, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 6852, Feb. 10, 2000; 65 FR 59965, Oct. 6, 2000; 71 FR 2829, Jan. 17, 2006]