Title 40


2.505 Guidance document general requirements and procedures.

§ 2.505 Guidance document general requirements and procedures.

(a) Minimum guidance requirements. In each guidance document, the EPA will:

(1) Include the term “guidance”;

(2) Identify the component office issuing the document;

(3) Provide the title of the guidance and the document identification number;

(4) Include the date of issuance;

(5) When practicable, identify the general activities to which and the persons to whom the document applies;

(6) Include the citation to the statutory provision (including the U.S.C. citation) or regulation (to the CFR) to which the guidance document applies or which it interprets;

(7) Note if the guidance document is a revision to a previously issued guidance document and, if so, identify the guidance document that it modifies or replaces;

(8) Include a short summary of the subject matter covered in the guidance document at the beginning of the document; and

(9) Include a disclaimer stating that the contents of the guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and that the Agency does not bind the public in any way and intends only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or Agency policies, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract. When a guidance document is binding because binding guidance is authorized by law or because the guidance is incorporated into a contract, the statement will reflect that.

(b) Approval. A guidance document issued by an EPA Regional Office must receive concurrence from the corresponding Presidentially-appointed EPA official (i.e., the relevant Assistant Administrator or an official who is serving in the acting capacity) at EPA headquarters who is responsible for administering the national program to which the guidance document pertains.

(c) Avoid mandatory language. A guidance document will avoid mandatory language such as “shall,” “must,” “required” or “requirement,” unless using these words to describe a statutory or regulatory requirement, or the language is addressed to EPA staff and will not foreclose consideration by the EPA of positions advanced by affected private parties.

(d) Significance determinations. The EPA will seek significance determinations from the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for guidance documents pursuant to E.O. 12866.