Appendix B to Part 75 - Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
40: : Appendix B
Appendix B to Part 75 - Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Procedures 1. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program
Develop and implement a quality assurance/quality control
(QA/QC) program for the continuous emission monitoring systems,
excepted monitoring systems approved under appendix D or E to this
part, and alternative monitoring systems under subpart E of this
part, and their components. At a minimum, include in each QA/QC
program a written plan that describes in detail (or that refers to
separate documents containing) complete, step-by-step procedures
and operations for each of the following activities. Upon request
from regulatory authorities, the source shall make all procedures,
maintenance records, and ancillary supporting documentation from
the manufacturer (e.g., software coefficients and troubleshooting
diagrams) available for review during an audit. Electronic storage
of the information in the QA/QC plan is permissible, provided that
the information can be made available in hardcopy upon request
during an audit.
1.1 Requirements for All Monitoring Systems 1.1.1 Preventive
Keep a written record of procedures needed to maintain the
monitoring system in proper operating condition and a schedule for
those procedures. This shall, at a minimum, include procedures
specified by the manufacturers of the equipment and, if applicable,
additional or alternate procedures developed for the equipment.
1.1.2 Recordkeeping and Reporting
Keep a written record describing procedures that will be used to
implement the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in subparts
E, F, and G and appendices D and E to this part, as applicable.
1.1.3 Maintenance Records
Keep a record of all testing, maintenance, or repair activities
performed on any monitoring system or component in a location and
format suitable for inspection. A maintenance log may be used for
this purpose. The following records should be maintained: date,
time, and description of any testing, adjustment, repair,
replacement, or preventive maintenance action performed on any
monitoring system and records of any corrective actions associated
with a monitor's outage period. Additionally, any adjustment that
recharacterizes a system's ability to record and report emissions
data must be recorded (e.g., changing of flow monitor or moisture
monitoring system polynomial coefficients, K factors or
mathematical algorithms, changing of temperature and pressure
coefficients and dilution ratio settings), and a written
explanation of the procedures used to make the adjustment(s) shall
be kept.
1.1.4 The provisions in section 6.1.2 of appendix A to this part
shall apply to the annual RATAs described in § 75.74(c)(2)(ii) and
to the semiannual and annual RATAs described in section 2.3 of this
1.2 Specific Requirements for Continuous Emissions Monitoring
Systems 1.2.1 Calibration Error Test and Linearity Check Procedures
Keep a written record of the procedures used for daily
calibration error tests and linearity checks (e.g., how gases are
to be injected, adjustments of flow rates and pressure,
introduction of reference values, length of time for injection of
calibration gases, steps for obtaining calibration error or error
in linearity, determination of interferences, and when calibration
adjustments should be made). Identify any calibration error test
and linearity check procedures specific to the continuous emission
monitoring system that vary from the procedures in appendix A to
this part.
1.2.2 Calibration and Linearity Adjustments
Explain how each component of the continuous emission monitoring
system will be adjusted to provide correct responses to calibration
gases, reference values, and/or indications of interference both
initially and after repairs or corrective action. Identify
equations, conversion factors and other factors affecting
calibration of each continuous emission monitoring system.
1.2.3 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Procedures
Keep a written record of procedures and details peculiar to the
installed continuous emission monitoring systems that are to be
used for relative accuracy test audits, such as sampling and
analysis methods.
1.2.4 Parametric Monitoring for Units With Add-on Emission Controls
The owner or operator shall keep a written (or electronic)
record including a list of operating parameters for the add-on SO2
or NOX emission controls, including parameters in § 75.55(b) or §
75.58(b), as applicable, and the range of each operating parameter
that indicates the add-on emission controls are operating properly.
The owner or operator shall keep a written (or electronic) record
of the parametric monitoring data during each SO2 or NOX missing
data period.
1.3 Specific Requirements for Excepted Systems Approved Under
Appendices D and E 1.3.1 Fuel Flowmeter Accuracy Test Procedures
Keep a written record of the specific fuel flowmeter accuracy
test procedures. These may include: standard methods or
specifications listed in and of appendix D to this part and
incorporated by reference under § 75.6; the procedures of sections or 2.1.7 of appendix D to this part; or other methods
approved by the Administrator through the petition process of §
1.3.2 Transducer or Transmitter Accuracy Test Procedures
Keep a written record of the procedures for testing the accuracy
of transducers or transmitters of an orifice-, nozzle-, or
venturi-type fuel flowmeter under section 2.1.6 of appendix D to
this part. These procedures should include a description of
equipment used, steps in testing, and frequency of testing.
1.3.3 Fuel Flowmeter, Transducer, or Transmitter Calibration and
Maintenance Records
Keep a record of adjustments, maintenance, or repairs performed
on the fuel flowmeter monitoring system. Keep records of the data
and results for fuel flowmeter accuracy tests and transducer
accuracy tests, consistent with appendix D to this part.
1.3.4 Primary Element Inspection Procedures
Keep a written record of the standard operating procedures for
inspection of the primary element (i.e., orifice, venturi, or
nozzle) of an orifice-, venturi-, or nozzle-type fuel flowmeter.
Examples of the types of information to be included are: what to
examine on the primary element; how to identify if there is
corrosion sufficient to affect the accuracy of the primary element;
and what inspection tools (e.g., baroscope), if any, are used.
1.3.5 Fuel Sampling Method and Sample Retention
Keep a written record of the standard procedures used to perform
fuel sampling, either by utility personnel or by fuel supply
company personnel. These procedures should specify the portion of
the ASTM method used, as incorporated by reference under § 75.6, or
other methods approved by the Administrator through the petition
process of § 75.66(c). These procedures should describe safeguards
for ensuring the availability of an oil sample (e.g., procedure and
location for splitting samples, procedure for maintaining sample
splits on site, and procedure for transmitting samples to an
analytical laboratory). These procedures should identify the ASTM
analytical methods used to analyze sulfur content, gross calorific
value, and density, as incorporated by reference under § 75.6, or
other methods approved by the Administrator through the petition
process of § 75.66(c).
1.3.6 Appendix E Monitoring System Quality Assurance Information
Identify the recommended range of quality assurance- and quality
control-related operating parameters. Keep records of these
operating parameters for each hour of unit operation (i.e., fuel
combustion). Keep a written record of the procedures used to
perform NOX emission rate testing. Keep a copy of all data and
results from the initial and from the most recent NOX emission rate
testing, including the values of quality assurance parameters
specified in section 2.3 of appendix E to this part.
1.4 Requirements for Alternative Systems Approved Under Subpart E
1.4.1 Daily Quality Assurance Tests
Explain how the daily assessment procedures specific to the
alternative monitoring system are to be performed.
1.4.2 Daily Quality Assurance Test Adjustments
Explain how each component of the alternative monitoring system
will be adjusted in response to the results of the daily
1.4.3 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Procedures
Keep a written record of procedures and details peculiar to the
installed alternative monitoring system that are to be used for
relative accuracy test audits, such as sampling and analysis
2. Frequency of Testing
A summary chart showing each quality assurance test and the
frequency at which each test is required is located at the end of
this appendix in Figure 1.
2.1 Daily Assessments
Perform the following daily assessments to quality-assure the
hourly data recorded by the monitoring systems during each period
of unit operation, or, for a bypass stack or duct, each period in
which emissions pass through the bypass stack or duct. These
requirements are effective as of the date when the monitor or
continuous emission monitoring system completes certification
2.1.1 Calibration Error Test
Except as provided in section of this appendix, perform
the daily calibration error test of each gas monitoring system
(including moisture monitoring systems consisting of wet- and
dry-basis O2 analyzers) according to the procedures in section
6.3.1 of appendix A to this part, and perform the daily calibration
error test of each flow monitoring system according to the
procedure in section 6.3.2 of appendix A to this part. When two
measurement ranges (low and high) are required for a particular
parameter, perform sufficient calibration error tests on each range
to validate the data recorded on that range, according to the
criteria in section 2.1.5 of this appendix. On-line Daily Calibration Error Tests. Except as
provided in section of this appendix, all daily calibration
error tests must be performed while the unit is in operation at
normal, stable conditions (i.e. “on-line”). Off-line Daily Calibration Error Tests. Daily
calibrations may be performed while the unit is not operating
(i.e., “off-line”) and may be used to validate data for a
monitoring system that meets the following conditions:
(1) An initial demonstration test of the monitoring system is
successfully completed and the results are reported in the
quarterly report required under § 75.64 of this part. The initial
demonstration test, hereafter called the “off-line calibration
demonstration”, consists of an off-line calibration error test
followed by an on-line calibration error test. Both the off-line
and on-line portions of the off-line calibration demonstration must
meet the calibration error performance specification in section 3.1
of appendix A of this part. Upon completion of the off-line portion
of the demonstration, the zero and upscale monitor responses may be
adjusted, but only toward the true values of the calibration gases
or reference signals used to perform the test and only in
accordance with the routine calibration adjustment procedures
specified in the quality control program required under section 1
of appendix B to this part. Once these adjustments are made, no
further adjustments may be made to the monitoring system until
after completion of the on-line portion of the off-line calibration
demonstration. Within 26 clock hours of the completion hour of the
off-line portion of the demonstration, the monitoring system must
successfully complete the first attempted calibration error test,
i.e., the on-line portion of the demonstration.
(2) For each monitoring system that has passed the off-line
calibration demonstration, off-line calibration error tests may be
used on a limited basis to validate data, in accordance with
paragraph (2) in section of this appendix.
2.1.2 Daily Flow Interference Check
Perform the daily flow monitor interference checks specified in
section of appendix A of this part while the unit is in
operation at normal, stable conditions.
2.1.3 Additional Calibration Error Tests and Calibration
(a) In addition to the daily calibration error tests required
under section 2.1.1 of this appendix, a calibration error test of a
monitor shall be performed in accordance with section 2.1.1 of this
appendix, as follows: whenever a daily calibration error test is
failed; whenever a monitoring system is returned to service
following repair or corrective maintenance that could affect the
monitor's ability to accurately measure and record emissions data;
or after making certain calibration adjustments, as described in
this section. Except in the case of the routine calibration
adjustments described in this section, data from the monitor are
considered invalid until the required additional calibration error
test has been successfully completed.
(b) Routine calibration adjustments of a monitor are permitted
after any successful calibration error test. These routine
adjustments shall be made so as to bring the monitor readings as
close as practicable to the known tag values of the calibration
gases or to the actual value of the flow monitor reference signals.
An additional calibration error test is required following routine
calibration adjustments where the monitor's calibration has been
physically adjusted (e.g., by turning a potentiometer) to verify
that the adjustments have been made properly. An additional
calibration error test is not required, however, if the routine
calibration adjustments are made by means of a mathematical
algorithm programmed into the data acquisition and handling system.
The EPA recommends that routine calibration adjustments be made, at
a minimum, whenever the daily calibration error exceeds the limits
of the applicable performance specification in appendix A to this
part for the pollutant concentration monitor, CO2 or O2 monitor, or
flow monitor.
(c) Additional (non-routine) calibration adjustments of a
monitor are permitted prior to (but not during) linearity checks
and RATAs and at other times, provided that an appropriate
technical justification is included in the quality control program
required under section 1 of this appendix. The allowable
non-routine adjustments are as follows. The owner or operator may
physically adjust the calibration of a monitor (e.g., by means of a
potentiometer), provided that the post-adjustment zero and upscale
responses of the monitor are within the performance specifications
of the instrument given in section 3.1 of appendix A to this part.
An additional calibration error test is required following such
adjustments to verify that the monitor is operating within the
performance specifications at both the zero and upscale calibration
2.1.4 Data Validation
(a) An out-of-control period occurs when the calibration error
of an SO2 or NOX pollutant concentration monitor exceeds 5.0
percent of the span value, when the calibration error of a CO2 or
O2 monitor (including O2 monitors used to measure CO2 emissions or
percent moisture) exceeds 1.0 percent O2 or CO2, or when the
calibration error of a flow monitor exceeds 6.0 percent of the span
value, which is twice the applicable specification of appendix A to
this part. Notwithstanding, a differential pressure-type flow
monitor for which the calibration error exceeds 6.0 percent of the
span value shall not be considered out-of-control if |R-A|, the
absolute value of the difference between the monitor response and
the reference value in Equation A-6 of appendix A to this part, is
<0.02 inches of water. In addition, an SO2 or NOX monitor for
which the calibration error exceeds 5.0 percent of the span value
shall not be considered out-of-control if |R-A| in Equation A-6
does not exceed 5.0 ppm (for span values ≤50 ppm), or if |R-A|;
does not exceed 10.0 ppm (for span values >50 ppm, but ≤200
ppm). The out-of-control period begins upon failure of the
calibration error test and ends upon completion of a successful
calibration error test. Note, that if a failed calibration,
corrective action, and successful calibration error test occur
within the same hour, emission data for that hour recorded by the
monitor after the successful calibration error test may be used for
reporting purposes, provided that two or more valid readings are
obtained as required by § 75.10. A NOX-diluent CEMS is considered
out-of-control if the calibration error of either component monitor
exceeds twice the applicable performance specification in appendix
A to this part. Emission data shall not be reported from an
out-of-control monitor.
(b) An out-of-control period also occurs whenever interference
of a flow monitor is identified. The out-of-control period begins
with the hour of completion of the failed interference check and
ends with the hour of completion of an interference check that is
(c) The results of any certification, recertification,
diagnostic, or quality assurance test required under this part may
not be used to validate the emissions data required under this
part, if the test is performed using EPA Protocol gas from a
production site that is not participating in the PGVP, except as
provided in § 75.21(g)(7) or if the cylinder(s) are analyzed by an
independent laboratory and shown to meet the requirements of
section 5.1.4(b) of appendix A to this part.
2.1.5 Quality Assurance of Data With Respect to Daily Assessments
When a monitoring system passes a daily assessment (i.e., daily
calibration error test or daily flow interference check), data from
that monitoring system are prospectively validated for 26 clock
hours (i.e., 24 hours plus a 2-hour grace period) beginning with
the hour in which the test is passed, unless another assessment
(i.e. a daily calibration error test, an interference check of a
flow monitor, a quarterly linearity check, a quarterly leak check,
or a relative accuracy test audit) is failed within the 26-hour
period. Data Invalidation with Respect to Daily
Assessments. The following specific rules apply to the
invalidation of data with respect to daily assessments:
(1) Data from a monitoring system are invalid, beginning with
the first hour following the expiration of a 26-hour data
validation period or beginning with the first hour following the
expiration of an 8-hour start-up grace period (as provided under
section of this appendix), if the required subsequent daily
assessment has not been conducted.
(2) For a monitor that has passed the off-line calibration
demonstration, a combination of on-line and off-line calibration
error tests may be used to validate data from the monitor, as
follows. For a particular unit (or stack) operating hour, data from
a monitor may be validated using a successful off-line calibration
error test if: (a) An on-line calibration error test has been
passed within the previous 26 unit (or stack) operating hours; and
(b) the 26 clock hour data validation window for the off-line
calibration error test has not expired. If either of these
conditions is not met, then the data from the monitor are invalid
with respect to the daily calibration error test requirement. Data
from the monitor shall remain invalid until the appropriate on-line
or off-line calibration error test is successfully completed so
that both conditions (a) and (b) are met.
(3) For units with two measurement ranges (low and high) for a
particular parameter, when separate analyzers are used for the low
and high ranges, a failed or expired calibration on one of the
ranges does not affect the quality-assured data status on the other
range. For a dual-range analyzer (i.e., a single analyzer with two
measurement scales), a failed calibration error test on either the
low or high scale results in an out-of-control period for the
monitor. Data from the monitor remain invalid until corrective
actions are taken and “hands-off” calibration error tests have been
passed on both ranges. However, if the most recent calibration
error test on the high scale was passed but has expired, while the
low scale is up-to-date on its calibration error test requirements
(or vice-versa), the expired calibration error test does not affect
the quality-assured status of the data recorded on the other
scale. Daily Assessment Start-Up Grace Period. For the
purpose of quality assuring data with respect to a daily assessment
(i.e. a daily calibration error test or a flow interference check),
a start-up grace period may apply when a unit begins to operate
after a period of non-operation. The start-up grace period for a
daily calibration error test is independent of the start-up grace
period for a daily flow interference check. To qualify for a
start-up grace period for a daily assessment, there are two
(1) The unit must have resumed operation after being in outage
for 1 or more hours (i.e., the unit must be in a start-up
condition) as evidenced by a change in unit operating time from
zero in one clock hour to an operating time greater than zero in
the next clock hour.
(2) For the monitoring system to be used to validate data during
the grace period, the previous daily assessment of the same kind
must have been passed on-line within 26 clock hours prior to the
last hour in which the unit operated before the outage. In
addition, the monitoring system must be in-control with respect to
quarterly and semi-annual or annual assessments.
If both of the above conditions are met, then a start-up grace
period of up to 8 clock hours applies, beginning with the first
hour of unit operation following the outage. During the start-up
grace period, data generated by the monitoring system are
considered quality-assured. For each monitoring system, a start-up
grace period for a calibration error test or flow interference
check ends when either: (1) a daily assessment of the same kind
(i.e., calibration error test or flow interference check) is
performed; or (2) 8 clock hours have elapsed (starting with the
first hour of unit operation following the outage), whichever
occurs first.
2.1.6 Data Recording
Record and tabulate all calibration error test data according to
month, day, clock-hour, and magnitude in either ppm, percent
volume, or scfh. Program monitors that automatically adjust data to
the corrected calibration values (e.g., microprocessor control) to
record either: (1) The unadjusted concentration or flow rate
measured in the calibration error test prior to resetting the
calibration, or (2) the magnitude of any adjustment. Record the
following applicable flow monitor interference check data: (1)
Sample line/sensing port pluggage, and (2) malfunction of each RTD,
transceiver, or equivalent.
2.2 Quarterly Assessments
For each primary and redundant backup monitor or monitoring
system, perform the following quarterly assessments. This
requirement is applies as of the calendar quarter following the
calendar quarter in which the monitor or continuous emission
monitoring system is provisionally certified.
2.2.1 Linearity Check
Unless a particular monitor (or monitoring range) is exempted
under this paragraph or under section 6.2 of appendix A to this
part, perform a linearity check, in accordance with the procedures
in section 6.2 of appendix A to this part, for each primary and
redundant backup SO2, and NOx pollutant concentration monitor and
each primary and redundant backup CO2 or O2 monitor (including O2
monitors used to measure CO2 emissions or to continuously monitor
moisture) at least once during each QA operating quarter, as
defined in § 72.2 of this chapter. For units using both a low and
high span value, a linearity check is required only on the range(s)
used to record and report emission data during the QA operating
quarter. Conduct the linearity checks no less than 30 days apart,
to the extent practicable. The data validation procedures in
section 2.2.3(e) of this appendix shall be followed.
2.2.2 Leak Check
For differential pressure flow monitors, perform a leak check of
all sample lines (a manual check is acceptable) at least once
during each QA operating quarter. For this test, the unit does not
have to be in operation. Conduct the leak checks no less than 30
days apart, to the extent practicable. If a leak check is failed,
follow the applicable data validation procedures in section
2.2.3(g) of this appendix.
2.2.3 Data Validation
(a) A linearity check shall not be commenced if the monitoring
system is operating out-of-control with respect to any of the daily
or semiannual quality assurance assessments required by sections
2.1 and 2.3 of this appendix or with respect to the additional
calibration error test requirements in section 2.1.3 of this
(b) Each required linearity check shall be done according to
paragraph (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section:
(1) The linearity check may be done “cold,” i.e., with no
corrective maintenance, repair, calibration adjustments,
re-linearization or reprogramming of the monitor prior to the
(2) The linearity check may be done after performing only the
routine or non-routine calibration adjustments described in section
2.1.3 of this appendix at the various calibration gas levels (zero,
low, mid or high), but no other corrective maintenance, repair,
re-linearization or reprogramming of the monitor. Trial gas
injection runs may be performed after the calibration adjustments
and additional adjustments within the allowable limits in section
2.1.3 of this appendix may be made prior to the linearity check, as
necessary, to optimize the performance of the monitor. The trial
gas injections need not be reported, provided that they meet the
specification for trial gas injections in §
75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E)(1). However, if, for any trial
injection, the specification in § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E)(1) is
not met, the trial injection shall be counted as an aborted
linearity check.
(3) The linearity check may be done after repair, corrective
maintenance or reprogramming of the monitor. In this case, the
monitor shall be considered out-of-control from the hour in which
the repair, corrective maintenance or reprogramming is commenced
until the linearity check has been passed. Alternatively, the data
validation procedures and associated timelines in §§
75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (ix) may be followed upon completion of the
necessary repair, corrective maintenance, or reprogramming. If the
procedures in § 75.20(b)(3) are used, the words “quality assurance”
apply instead of the word “recertification”.
(c) Once a linearity check has been commenced, the test shall be
done hands-off. That is, no adjustments of the monitor are
permitted during the linearity test period, other than the routine
calibration adjustments following daily calibration error tests, as
described in section 2.1.3 of this appendix. If a routine daily
calibration error test is performed and passed just prior to a
linearity test (or during a linearity test period) and a
mathematical correction factor is automatically applied by the
DAHS, the correction factor shall be applied to all subsequent data
recorded by the monitor, including the linearity test data.
(d) If a daily calibration error test is failed during a
linearity test period, prior to completing the test, the linearity
test must be repeated. Data from the monitor are invalidated
prospectively from the hour of the failed calibration error test
until the hour of completion of a subsequent successful calibration
error test. The linearity test shall not be commenced until the
monitor has successfully completed a calibration error test.
(e) An out-of-control period occurs when a linearity test is
failed (i.e., when the error in linearity at any of the three
concentrations in the quarterly linearity check (or any of the six
concentrations, when both ranges of a single analyzer with a dual
range are tested) exceeds the applicable specification in section
3.2 of appendix A to this part) or when a linearity test is aborted
due to a problem with the monitor or monitoring system. For a
NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, the system is
considered out-of-control if either of the component monitors
exceeds the applicable specification in section 3.2 of appendix A
to this part or if the linearity test of either component is
aborted due to a problem with the monitor. The out-of-control
period begins with the hour of the failed or aborted linearity
check and ends with the hour of completion of a satisfactory
linearity check following corrective action and/or monitor repair,
unless the option in paragraph (b)(3) of this section to use the
data validation procedures and associated timelines in §
75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (ix) has been selected, in which case the
beginning and end of the out-of-control period shall be determined
in accordance with §§ 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and (B). For a dual-range
analyzer, “hands-off” linearity checks must be passed on both
measurement scales to end the out-of-control period. Note that a
monitor shall not be considered out-of-control when a linearity
test is aborted for a reason unrelated to the monitor's performance
(e.g., a forced unit outage).
(f) No more than four successive calendar quarters shall elapse
after the quarter in which a linearity check of a monitor or
monitoring system (or range of a monitor or monitoring system) was
last performed without a subsequent linearity test having been
conducted. If a linearity test has not been completed by the end of
the fourth calendar quarter since the last linearity test, then the
linearity test must be completed within a 168 unit operating hour
or stack operating hour “grace period” (as provided in section
2.2.4 of this appendix) following the end of the fourth successive
elapsed calendar quarter, or data from the CEMS (or range) will
become invalid.
(g) An out-of-control period also occurs when a flow monitor
sample line leak is detected. The out-of-control period begins with
the hour of the failed leak check and ends with the hour of a
satisfactory leak check following corrective action.
(h) For each monitoring system, report the results of all
completed and partial linearity tests that affect data validation
(i.e., all completed, passed linearity checks; all completed,
failed linearity checks; and all linearity checks aborted due to a
problem with the monitor, including trial gas injections counted as
failed test attempts under paragraph (b)(2) of this section or
under § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(F)), in the quarterly report required
under § 75.64. Note that linearity attempts which are aborted or
invalidated due to problems with the reference calibration gases or
due to operational problems with the affected unit(s) need not be
reported. Such partial tests do not affect the validation status of
emission data recorded by the monitor. A record of all linearity
tests, trial gas injections and test attempts (whether reported or
not) must be kept on-site as part of the official test log for each
monitoring system.
(i) The results of any certification, recertification,
diagnostic, or quality assurance test required under this part may
not be used to validate the emissions data required under this
part, if the test is performed using EPA Protocol gas that was not
from an EPA Protocol gas production site participating in the PGVP
on the date the gas was procured either by the tester or by a
reseller that sold to the tester the unaltered EPA Protocol gas,
except as provided in § 75.21(g)(7) or if the cylinder(s) are
analyzed by an independent laboratory and shown to meet the
requirements of section 5.1.4(b) of appendix A to this part.
2.2.4 Linearity and Leak Check Grace Period
(a) When a required linearity test or flow monitor leak check
has not been completed by the end of the QA operating quarter in
which it is due or if, due to infrequent operation of a unit or
infrequent use of a required high range of a monitor or monitoring
system, four successive calendar quarters have elapsed after the
quarter in which a linearity check of a monitor or monitoring
system (or range) was last performed without a subsequent linearity
test having been done, the owner or operator has a grace period of
168 consecutive unit operating hours, as defined in § 72.2 of this
chapter (or, for monitors installed on common stacks or bypass
stacks, 168 consecutive stack operating hours, as defined in § 72.2
of this chapter) in which to perform a linearity test or leak check
of that monitor or monitoring system (or range). The grace period
begins with the first unit or stack operating hour following the
calendar quarter in which the linearity test was due. Data
validation during a linearity or leak check grace period shall be
done in accordance with the applicable provisions in section 2.2.3
of this appendix.
(b) If, at the end of the 168 unit (or stack) operating hour
grace period, the required linearity test or leak check has not
been completed, data from the monitoring system (or range) shall be
invalid, beginning with the first unit operating hour following the
expiration of the grace period. Data from the monitoring system (or
range) remain invalid until the hour of completion of a subsequent
successful hands-off linearity test or leak check of the monitor or
monitoring system (or range). Note that when a linearity test or a
leak check is conducted within a grace period for the purpose of
satisfying the linearity test or leak check requirement from a
previous QA operating quarter, the results of that linearity test
or leak check may only be used to meet the linearity check or leak
check requirement of the previous quarter, not the quarter in which
the missed linearity test or leak check is completed.
2.2.5 Flow-to-Load Ratio or Gross Heat Rate Evaluation
(a) Applicability and methodology. Unless exempted from
the flow-to-load ratio test under section 7.8 of appendix A to this
part, the owner or operator shall, for each flow rate monitoring
system installed on each unit, common stack or multiple stack,
evaluate the flow-to-load ratio quarterly, i.e., for each QA
operating quarter (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter). At the
end of each QA operating quarter, the owner or operator shall use
Equation B-1 to calculate the flow-to-load ratio for every hour
during the quarter in which: the unit (or combination of units, for
a common stack) operated within ±10.0 percent of Lavg, the average
load during the most recent normal-load flow RATA; and a
quality-assured hourly average flow rate was obtained with a
certified flow rate monitor. Alternatively, for the reasons stated
in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(6) of this section, the owner or
operator may exclude from the data analysis certain hours within
±10.0 percent of Lavg and may calculate Rh values for only the
remaining hours.

Where: Rh
= Hourly value of the flow-to-load ratio, scfh/megawatts, scfh/1000
lb/hr of steam, or scfh/(mmBtu/hr thermal output). Qh = Hourly
stack gas volumetric flow rate, as measured by the flow rate
monitor, scfh. Lh = Hourly unit load, megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of
steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output; must be within + 10.0 percent of
Lavg during the most recent normal-load flow RATA.
(1) In Equation B-1, the owner or operator may use either
bias-adjusted flow rates or unadjusted flow rates, provided that
all of the ratios are calculated the same way. For a common stack,
Lh shall be the sum of the hourly operating loads of all units that
discharge through the stack. For a unit that discharges its
emissions through multiple stacks or that monitors its emissions in
multiple breechings, Qh will be either the combined hourly
volumetric flow rate for all of the stacks or ducts (if the test is
done on a unit basis) or the hourly flow rate through each stack
individually (if the test is performed separately for each stack).
For a unit with a multiple stack discharge configuration consisting
of a main stack and a bypass stack, each of which has a certified
flow monitor (e.g., a unit with a wet SO2 scrubber), calculate the
hourly flow-to-load ratios separately for each stack. Round off
each value of Rh to two decimal places.
(2) Alternatively, the owner or operator may calculate the
hourly gross heat rates (GHR) in lieu of the hourly flow-to-load
ratios. The hourly GHR shall be determined only for those hours in
which quality-assured flow rate data and diluent gas (CO2 or O2)
concentration data are both available from a certified monitor or
monitoring system or reference method. If this option is selected,
calculate each hourly GHR value as follows:

(GHR)h = Hourly value of the gross heat rate, Btu/kwh, Btu/lb steam
load, or 1000 mmBtu heat input/mmBtu thermal output. (Heat Input)h
= Hourly heat input, as determined from the quality-assured flow
rate and diluent data, using the applicable equation in appendix F
to this part, mmBtu/hr. Lh = Hourly unit load, megawatts, 1000
lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output; must be within + 10.0
percent of Lavg during the most recent normal-load flow RATA.
(3) In Equation B-1a, the owner or operator may either use
bias-adjusted flow rates or unadjusted flow rates in the
calculation of (Heat Input)h, provided that all of the heat input
rate values are determined in the same manner.
(4) The owner or operator shall evaluate the calculated hourly
flow-to-load ratios (or gross heat rates) as follows. A separate
data analysis shall be performed for each primary and each
redundant backup flow rate monitor used to record and report data
during the quarter. Each analysis shall be based on a minimum of
168 acceptable recorded hourly average flow rates (i.e., at loads
within ±10 percent of Lavg). When two RATA load levels are
designated as normal, the analysis shall be performed at the higher
load level, unless there are fewer than 168 acceptable data points
available at that load level, in which case the analysis shall be
performed at the lower load level. If, for a particular flow
monitor, fewer than 168 acceptable hourly flow-to-load ratios (or
GHR values) are available at any of the load levels designated as
normal, a flow-to-load (or GHR) evaluation is not required for that
monitor for that calendar quarter.
(5) For each flow monitor, use Equation B-2 in this appendix to
calculate Eh, the absolute percentage difference between each
hourly Rh value and Rref, the reference value of the flow-to-load
ratio, as determined in accordance with section 7.7 of appendix A
to this part. Note that Rref shall always be based upon the most
recent normal-load RATA, even if that RATA was performed in the
calendar quarter being evaluated.

where: Eh
= Absolute percentage difference between the hourly average
flow-to-load ratio and the reference value of the flow-to-load
ratio at normal load. Rh = The hourly average flow-to-load ratio,
for each flow rate recorded at a load level within ±10.0 percent of
Lavg. Rref = The reference value of the flow-to-load ratio from the
most recent normal-load flow RATA, determined in accordance with
section 7.7 of appendix A to this part.
(6) Equation B-2 shall be used in a consistent manner. That is,
use Rref and Rh if the flow-to-load ratio is being evaluated, and
use (GHR)ref and (GHR)h if the gross heat rate is being evaluated.
Finally, calculate Ef, the arithmetic average of all of the hourly
Eh values. The owner or operator shall report the results of each
quarterly flow-to-load (or gross heat rate) evaluation, as
determined from Equation B-2, in the electronic quarterly report
required under § 75.64.
(b) Acceptable results. The results of a quarterly
flow-to-load (or gross heat rate) evaluation are acceptable, and no
further action is required, if the calculated value of Ef is less
than or equal to: (1) 15.0 percent, if Lavg for the most recent
normal-load flow RATA is ≥60 megawatts (or ≥500 klb/hr of steam)
and if unadjusted flow rates were used in the calculations; or (2)
10.0 percent, if Lavg for the most recent normal-load flow RATA is
≥60 megawatts (or ≥500 klb/hr of steam) and if bias-adjusted flow
rates were used in the calculations; or (3) 20.0 percent, if Lavg
for the most recent normal-load flow RATA is <60 megawatts (or
<500 klb/hr of steam) and if unadjusted flow rates were used in
the calculations; or (4) 15.0 percent, if Lavg for the most recent
normal-load flow RATA is <60 megawatts (or <500 klb/hr of
steam) and if bias-adjusted flow rates were used in the
calculations. If Ef is above these limits, the owner or operator
shall either: implement Option 1 in section of this
appendix; or perform a RATA in accordance with Option 2 in section of this appendix; or re-examine the hourly data used for
the flow-to-load or GHR analysis and recalculate Ef, after
excluding all non-representative hourly flow rates. If Ef is above
these limits, the owner or operator shall either: implement Option
1 in section of this appendix; perform a RATA in accordance
with Option 2 in section of this appendix; or (if
applicable) re-examine the hourly data used for the flow-to-load or
GHR analysis and recalculate Ef, after excluding all
non-representative hourly flow rates, as provided in paragraph (c)
of this section.
(c) Recalculation of Ef. If the owner or operator did not
exclude any hours within ±10 percent of Lavg from the original data
analysis and chooses to recalculate Ef, the flow rates for the
following hours are considered non-representative and may be
excluded from the data analysis:
(1) Any hour in which the type of fuel combusted was different
from the fuel burned during the most recent normal-load RATA. For
purposes of this determination, the type of fuel is different if
the fuel is in a different state of matter (i.e., solid, liquid, or
gas) than is the fuel burned during the RATA or if the fuel is a
different classification of coal (e.g., bituminous versus
sub-bituminous). Also, for units that co-fire different types of
fuels, if the reference RATA was done while co-firing, then hours
in which a single fuel was combusted may be excluded from the data
analysis as different fuel hours (and vice-versa for co-fired
hours, if the reference RATA was done while combusting only one
type of fuel);
(2) For a unit that is equipped with an SO2 scrubber and which
always discharges its flue gases to the atmosphere through a single
stack, any hour in which the SO2 scrubber was bypassed;
(3) Any hour in which “ramping” occurred, i.e., the hourly load
differed by more than ±15.0 percent from the load during the
preceding hour or the subsequent hour;
(4) For a unit with a multiple stack discharge configuration
consisting of a main stack and a bypass stack, any hour in which
the flue gases were discharged through both stacks;
(5) If a normal-load flow RATA was performed and passed during
the quarter being analyzed, any hour prior to completion of that
RATA; and
(6) If a problem with the accuracy of the flow monitor was
discovered during the quarter and was corrected (as evidenced by
passing the abbreviated flow-to-load test in section of
this appendix), any hour prior to completion of the abbreviated
flow-to-load test.
(7) After identifying and excluding all non-representative
hourly data in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of
this section, the owner or operator may analyze the remaining data
a second time. At least 168 representative hourly ratios or GHR
values must be available to perform the analysis; otherwise, the
flow-to-load (or GHR) analysis is not required for that monitor for
that calendar quarter.
(8) If, after re-analyzing the data, Ef meets the applicable
limit in paragraph (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(4) of this
section, no further action is required. If, however, Ef is still
above the applicable limit, data from the monitor shall be declared
out-of-control, beginning with the first unit operating hour
following the quarter in which Ef exceeded the applicable limit.
Alternatively, if a probationary calibration error test is
performed and passed according to § 75.20(b)(3)(ii), data from the
monitor may be declared conditionally valid following the quarter
in which Ef exceeded the applicable limit. The owner or operator
shall then either implement Option 1 in section of this
appendix or Option 2 in section of this appendix. Option 1
Within 14 unit operating days of the end of the calendar quarter
for which the Ef value is above the applicable limit, investigate
and troubleshoot the applicable flow monitor(s). Evaluate the
results of each investigation as follows:
(a) If the investigation fails to uncover a problem with the
flow monitor, a RATA shall be performed in accordance with Option 2
in section of this appendix.
(b) If a problem with the flow monitor is identified through the
investigation (including the need to re-linearize the monitor by
changing the polynomial coefficients or K factor(s)), data from the
monitor are considered invalid back to the first unit operating
hour after the end of the calendar quarter for which Ef was above
the applicable limit. If the option to use conditional data
validation was selected under section 2.2.5(c)(8) of this appendix,
all conditionally valid data shall be invalidated, back to the
first unit operating hour after the end of the calendar quarter for
which Ef was above the applicable limit. Corrective actions shall
be taken. All corrective actions (e.g., non-routine
maintenance, repairs, major component replacements,
re-linearization of the monitor, etc.) shall be documented in the
operation and maintenance records for the monitor. The owner or
operator then shall either complete the abbreviated flow-to-load
test in section of this appendix, or, if the corrective
action taken has required relinearization of the flow monitor,
shall perform a 3-load RATA. The conditional data validation
procedures in § 75.20(b)(3) may be applied to the 3-load RATA. Option 2
Perform a single-load RATA (at a load designated as normal under
section of appendix A to this part) of each flow monitor
for which Ef is outside of the applicable limit. If the RATA is
passed hands-off, in accordance with section 2.3.2(c) of this
appendix, no further action is required and the out-of-control
period for the monitor ends at the date and hour of completion of a
successful RATA, unless the option to use conditional data
validation was selected under section 2.2.5(c)(8) of this appendix.
In that case, all conditionally valid data from the monitor are
considered to be quality-assured, back to the first unit operating
hour following the end of the calendar quarter for which the Ef
value was above the applicable limit. If the RATA is failed, all
data from the monitor shall be invalidated, back to the first unit
operating hour following the end of the calendar quarter for which
the Ef value was above the applicable limit. Data from the monitor
remain invalid until the required RATA has been passed.
Alternatively, following a failed RATA and corrective actions, the
conditional data validation procedures of § 75.20(b)(3) may be used
until the RATA has been passed. If the corrective actions taken
following the failed RATA included adjustment of the polynomial
coefficients or K-factor(s) of the flow monitor, a 3-level RATA is
required, except as otherwise specified in section of this
appendix. Abbreviated Flow-to-Load Test
(a) The following abbreviated flow-to-load test may be performed
after any documented repair, component replacement, or other
corrective maintenance to a flow monitor (except for changes
affecting the linearity of the flow monitor, such as adjusting the
flow monitor coefficients or K factor(s)) to demonstrate that the
repair, replacement, or other maintenance has not significantly
affected the monitor's ability to accurately measure the stack gas
volumetric flow rate. Data from the monitoring system are
considered invalid from the hour of commencement of the repair,
replacement, or maintenance until either the hour in which the
abbraviated flow-to-load test is passed, or the hour in which a
probationary calibration error test is passed following completion
of the repair, replacement, or maintenance and any associated
adjustments to the monitor. If the latter option is selected, the
abbreviated flow-to-load test shall be completed within 168 unit
operating hours of the probationary calibration error test (or, for
peaking units, within 30 unit operating days, if that is less
restrictive). Data from the monitor are considered to be
conditionally valid (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter),
beginning with the hour of the probationary calibration error
(b) Operate the unit(s) in such a way as to reproduce, as
closely as practicable, the exact conditions at the time of the
most recent normal-load flow RATA. To achieve this, it is
recommended that the load be held constant to within ±10.0 percent
of the average load during the RATA and that the diluent gas (CO2
or O2) concentration be maintained within ±0.5 percent CO2 or O2 of
the average diluent concentration during the RATA. For common
stacks, to the extent practicable, use the same combination of
units and load levels that were used during the RATA. When the
process parameters have been set, record a minimum of six and a
maximum of 12 consecutive hourly average flow rates, using the flow
monitor(s) for which Ef was outside the applicable limit. For
peaking units, a minimum of three and a maximum of 12 consecutive
hourly average flow rates are required. Also record the
corresponding hourly load values and, if applicable, the hourly
diluent gas concentrations. Calculate the flow-to-load ratio (or
GHR) for each hour in the test hour period, using Equation B-1 or
B-1a. Determine Eh for each hourly flow-to-load ratio (or GHR),
using Equation B-2 of this appendix and then calculate Ef, the
arithmetic average of the Eh values.
(c) The results of the abbreviated flow-to-load test shall be
considered acceptable, and no further action is required if the
value of Ef does not exceed the applicable limit specified in
section 2.2.5 of this appendix. All conditionally valid data
recorded by the flow monitor shall be considered quality-assured,
beginning with the hour of the probationary calibration error test
that preceded the abbreviated flow-to-load test (if applicable).
However, if Ef is outside the applicable limit, all conditionally
valid data recorded by the flow monitor (if applicable) shall be
considered invalid back to the hour of the probationary calibration
error test that preceded the abbreviated flow-to-load test, and a
single-load RATA is required in accordance with section of
this appendix. If the flow monitor must be re-linearized, however,
a 3-load RATA is required.
2.3 Semiannual and Annual Assessments
For each primary and redundant backup monitoring system, perform
relative accuracy assessments either semiannually or annually, as
specified in section or of this appendix, for the
type of test and the performance achieved. This requirement applies
as of the calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in which
the monitoring system is provisionally certified. A summary chart
showing the frequency with which a relative accuracy test audit
must be performed, depending on the accuracy achieved, is located
at the end of this appendix in Figure 2.
2.3.1 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) Standard RATA
(a) Except as otherwise specified in § 75.21(a)(6) or (a)(7) or
in section of this appendix, perform relative accuracy test
audits semiannually, i.e., once every two successive QA
operating quarters (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter) for each
primary and redundant backup SO2 pollutant concentration monitor,
flow monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including O2
monitors used to determine CO2 emissions), CO2 or O2 diluent
monitor used to determine heat input, moisture monitoring system,
NOX concentration monitoring system, or NOX-diluent CEMS. A
calendar quarter that does not qualify as a QA operating quarter
shall be excluded in determining the deadline for the next RATA. No
more than eight successive calendar quarters shall elapse after the
quarter in which a RATA was last performed without a subsequent
RATA having been conducted. If a RATA has not been completed by the
end of the eighth calendar quarter since the quarter of the last
RATA, then the RATA must be completed within a 720 unit (or stack)
operating hour grace period (as provided in section 2.3.3 of this
appendix) following the end of the eighth successive elapsed
calendar quarter, or data from the CEMS will become invalid.
(b) The relative accuracy test audit frequency of a CEMS may be
reduced, as specified in section of this appendix, for
primary or redundant backup monitoring systems which qualify for
less frequent testing. Perform all required RATAs in accordance
with the applicable procedures and provisions in sections 6.5
through of appendix A to this part and sections and of this appendix. Reduced RATA Frequencies
Relative accuracy test audits of primary and redundant backup
SO2 pollutant concentration monitors, CO2 pollutant concentration
monitors (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2 emissions),
CO2 or O2 diluent monitors used to determine heat input, moisture
monitoring systems, NOX concentration monitoring systems, flow
monitors, NOX-diluent monitoring systems or SO2-diluent monitoring
systems may be performed annually (i.e., once every four successive
QA operating quarters, rather than once every two successive QA
operating quarters) if any of the following conditions are met for
the specific monitoring system involved:
(a) The relative accuracy during the audit of an SO2 or CO2
pollutant concentration monitor (including an O2 pollutant monitor
used to measure CO2 using the procedures in appendix F to this
part), or of a CO2 or O2 diluent monitor used to determine heat
input, or of a NOX concentration monitoring system, or of a
NOX-diluent monitoring system, or of an SO2-diluent continuous
emissions monitoring system is ≤7.5 percent;
(b) [Reserved]
(c) The relative accuracy during the audit of a flow monitor is
≤7.5 percent at each operating level tested;
(d) For low flow (≤10.0 fps, as measured by the reference method
during the RATA) stacks/ducts, when the flow monitor fails to
achieve a relative accuracy ≤7.5 percent during the audit, but the
monitor mean value, calculated using Equation A-7 in appendix A to
this part and converted back to an equivalent velocity in standard
feet per second (fps), is within ±1.5 fps of the reference method
mean value, converted to an equivalent velocity in fps;
(e) For low SO2 or NOX emitting units (average SO2 or NOX
reference method concentrations ≤250 ppm) during the RATA, when an
SO2 pollutant concentration monitor or NOX concentration monitoring
system fails to achieve a relative accuracy ≤7.5 percent during the
audit, but the monitor mean value from the RATA is within ±12 ppm
of the reference method mean value;
(f) For units with low NOX emission rates (average NOX emission
rate measured by the reference method during the RATA ≤0.200
lb/mmBtu), when a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system
fails to achieve a relative accuracy ≤7.5 percent, but the
monitoring system mean value from the RATA, calculated using
Equation A-7 in appendix A to this part, is within ±0.015 lb/mmBtu
of the reference method mean value;
(g) [Reserved]
(h) For a CO2 or O2 monitor, when the mean difference between
the reference method values from the RATA and the corresponding
monitor values is within ±0.7 percent CO2 or O2; and
(i) When the relative accuracy of a continuous moisture
monitoring system is ≤7.5 percent or when the mean difference
between the reference method values from the RATA and the
corresponding monitoring system values is within ±1.0 percent
H2O. RATA Load (or Operating) Levels and Additional RATA
(a) For SO2 pollutant concentration monitors, CO2 emissions
concentration monitors (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2
emissions), CO2 or O2 diluent monitors used to determine heat
input, NOX concentration monitoring systems, and NOX-diluent
monitoring systems, the required semiannual or annual RATA tests
shall be done at the load level (or operating level) designated as
normal under section of appendix A to this part. If two
load levels (or operating levels) are designated as normal, the
required RATA(s) may be done at either load level (or operating
(b) For flow monitors installed on peaking units and bypass
stacks, and for flow monitors that qualify to perform only
single-level RATAs under section 6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this
part, all required semiannual or annual relative accuracy test
audits shall be single-load (or single-level) audits at the normal
load (or operating level), as defined in section of
appendix A to this part.
(c) For all other flow monitors, the RATAs shall be performed as
(1) An annual 2-load (or 2-level) flow RATA shall be done at the
two most frequently used load levels (or operating levels), as
determined under section of appendix A to this part, or
(if applicable) at the operating levels determined under section
6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this part. Alternatively, a 3-load (or
3-level) flow RATA at the low, mid, and high load levels (or
operating levels), as defined under section of appendix
A to this part, may be performed in lieu of the 2-load (or 2-level)
annual RATA.
(2) If the flow monitor is on a semiannual RATA frequency,
2-load (or 2-level) flow RATAs and single-load (or single-level)
flow RATAs at the normal load level (or normal operating level) may
be performed alternately.
(3) A single-load (or single-level) annual flow RATA may be
performed in lieu of the 2-load (or 2-level) RATA if the results of
an historical load data analysis show that in the time period
extending from the ending date of the last annual flow RATA to a
date that is no more than 21 days prior to the date of the current
annual flow RATA, the unit (or combination of units, for a common
stack) has operated at a single load level (or operating level)
(low, mid, or high), for ≥85.0 percent of the time. Alternatively,
a flow monitor may qualify for a single-load (or single-level) RATA
if the 85.0 percent criterion is met in the time period extending
from the beginning of the quarter in which the last annual flow
RATA was performed through the end of the calendar quarter
preceding the quarter of current annual flow RATA.
(4) A 3-load (or 3-level) RATA, at the low-, mid-, and high-load
levels (or operating levels), as determined under section
of appendix A to this part, shall be performed at least once every
twenty consecutive calendar quarters, except for flow monitors that
are exempted from 3-load (or 3-level) RATA testing under section
6.5.2(b) or 6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this part.
(5) A 3-load (or 3-level) RATA is required whenever a flow
monitor is re-linearized, i.e., when its polynomial
coefficients or K factor(s) are changed, except for flow monitors
that are exempted from 3-load (or 3-level) RATA testing under
section 6.5.2(b) or 6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this part. For
monitors so exempted under section 6.5.2(b), a single-load flow
RATA is required. For monitors so exempted under section 6.5.2(e),
either a single-level RATA or a 2-level RATA is required, depending
on the number of operating levels documented in the monitoring plan
for the unit.
(6) For all multi-level flow audits, the audit points at
adjacent load levels or at adjacent operating levels (e.g.,
mid and high) shall be separated by no less than 25.0 percent of
the “range of operation,” as defined in section of appendix
A to this part.
(d) A RATA of a moisture monitoring system shall be performed
whenever the coefficient, K factor or mathematical algorithm
determined under section 6.5.7 of appendix A to this part is
changed. Number of RATA Attempts
The owner or operator may perform as many RATA attempts as are
necessary to achieve the desired relative accuracy test audit
frequencies and/or bias adjustment factors. However, the data
validation procedures in section 2.3.2 of this appendix must be
2.3.2 Data Validation
(a) A RATA shall not commence if the monitoring system is
operating out-of-control with respect to any of the daily and
quarterly quality assurance assessments required by sections 2.1
and 2.2 of this appendix or with respect to the additional
calibration error test requirements in section 2.1.3 of this
(b) Each required RATA shall be done according to paragraphs
(b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section:
(1) The RATA may be done “cold,” i.e., with no corrective
maintenance, repair, calibration adjustments, re-linearization or
reprogramming of the monitoring system prior to the test.
(2) The RATA may be done after performing only the routine or
non-routine calibration adjustments described in section 2.1.3 of
this appendix at the zero and/or upscale calibration gas levels,
but no other corrective maintenance, repair, re-linearization or
reprogramming of the monitoring system. Trial RATA runs may be
performed after the calibration adjustments and additional
adjustments within the allowable limits in section 2.1.3 of this
appendix may be made prior to the RATA, as necessary, to optimize
the performance of the CEMS. The trial RATA runs need not be
reported, provided that they meet the specification for trial RATA
runs in § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E)(2). However, if, for any trial
run, the specification in § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(E)(2) is not
met, the trial run shall be counted as an aborted RATA attempt.
(3) The RATA may be done after repair, corrective maintenance,
re-linearization or reprogramming of the monitoring system. In this
case, the monitoring system shall be considered out-of-control from
the hour in which the repair, corrective maintenance,
re-linearization or reprogramming is commenced until the RATA has
been passed. Alternatively, the data validation procedures and
associated timelines in §§ 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (ix) may be
followed upon completion of the necessary repair, corrective
maintenance, re-linearization or reprogramming. If the procedures
in § 75.20(b)(3) are used, the words “quality assurance” apply
instead of the word “recertification.”
(c) Once a RATA is commenced, the test must be done hands-off.
No adjustment of the monitor's calibration is permitted during the
RATA test period, other than the routine calibration adjustments
following daily calibration error tests, as described in section
2.1.3 of this appendix. If a routine daily calibration error test
is performed and passed just prior to a RATA (or during a RATA test
period) and a mathematical correction factor is automatically
applied by the DAHS, the correction factor shall be applied to all
subsequent data recorded by the monitor, including the RATA test
data. For 2-level and 3-level flow monitor audits, no linearization
or reprogramming of the monitor is permitted in between load
(d) For single-load (or single-level) RATAs, if a daily
calibration error test is failed during a RATA test period, prior
to completing the test, the RATA must be repeated. Data from the
monitor are invalidated prospectively from the hour of the failed
calibration error test until the hour of completion of a subsequent
successful calibration error test. The subsequent RATA shall not be
commenced until the monitor has successfully passed a calibration
error test in accordance with section 2.1.3 of this appendix. For
multiple-load (or multiple-level) flow RATAs, each load level (or
operating level) is treated as a separate RATA (i.e., when a
calibration error test is failed prior to completing the RATA at a
particular load level (or operating level), only the RATA at that
load level (or operating level) must be repeated; the results of
any previously-passed RATA(s) at the other load level(s) (or
operating level(s)) are unaffected, unless the monitor's polynomial
coefficients or K-factor(s) must be changed to correct the problem
that caused the calibration failure, in which case a subsequent
3-load (or 3-level) RATA is required), except as otherwise provided
in section (c)(5) of this appendix.
(e) For a RATA performed using the option in paragraph (b)(1) or
(b)(2) of this section, if the RATA is failed (that is, if the
relative accuracy exceeds the applicable specification in section
3.3 of appendix A to this part) or if the RATA is aborted prior to
completion due to a problem with the CEMS, then the CEMS is
out-of-control and all emission data from the CEMS are invalidated
prospectively from the hour in which the RATA is failed or aborted.
Data from the CEMS remain invalid until the hour of completion of a
subsequent RATA that meets the applicable specification in section
3.3 of appendix A to this part. If the option in paragraph (b)(3)
of this section to use the data validation procedures and
associated timelines in §§ 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through(b)(3)(ix) has
been selected, the beginning and end of the out-of-control period
shall be determined in accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and
(B). Note that when a RATA is aborted for a reason other than
monitoring system malfunction (see paragraph (h) of this
section), this does not trigger an out-of-control period for the
monitoring system.
(f) For a 2-level or 3-level flow RATA, if, at any load level
(or operating level), a RATA is failed or aborted due to a problem
with the flow monitor, the RATA at that load level (or operating
level) must be repeated. The flow monitor is considered
out-of-control and data from the monitor are invalidated from the
hour in which the test is failed or aborted and remain invalid
until the passing of a RATA at the failed load level (or operating
level), unless the option in paragraph (b)(3) of this section to
use the data validation procedures and associated timelines in §
75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (b)(3)(ix) has been selected, in which case
the beginning and end of the out-of-control period shall be
determined in accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and (B). Flow
RATA(s) that were previously passed at the other load level(s) (or
operating level(s)) do not have to be repeated unless the flow
monitor must be re-linearized following the failed or aborted test.
If the flow monitor is re-linearized, a subsequent 3-load (or
3-level) RATA is required, except as otherwise provided in section of this appendix.
(g) Data validation for failed RATAs for a CO2 pollutant
concentration monitor (or an O2 monitor used to measure CO2
emissions), a NOX pollutant concentration monitor, and a
NOX-diluent monitoring system shall be done according to paragraphs
(g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section:
(1) For a CO2 pollutant concentration monitor (or an O2 monitor
used to measure CO2 emissions) which also serves as the diluent
component in a NOX-diluent monitoring system, if the CO2 (or O2)
RATA is failed, then both the CO2 (or O2) monitor and the
associated NOX-diluent system are considered out-of-control,
beginning with the hour of completion of the failed CO2 (or O2)
monitor RATA, and continuing until the hour of completion of
subsequent hands-off RATAs which demonstrate that both systems have
met the applicable relative accuracy specifications in sections
3.3.2 and 3.3.3 of appendix A to this part, unless the option in
paragraph (b)(3) of this section to use the data validation
procedures and associated timelines in § 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through
(b)(3)(ix) has been selected, in which case the beginning and end
of the out-of-control period shall be determined in accordance with
§ 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and (B).
(2) This paragraph (g)(2) applies only to a NOX pollutant
concentration monitor that serves both as the NOX component of a
NOX concentration monitoring system (to measure NOX mass emissions)
and as the NOX component in a NOX-diluent monitoring system (to
measure NOX emission rate in lb/mmBtu). If the RATA of the NOX
concentration monitoring system is failed, then both the NOX
concentration monitoring system and the associated NOX-diluent
monitoring system are considered out-of-control, beginning with the
hour of completion of the failed NOX concentration RATA, and
continuing until the hour of completion of subsequent hands-off
RATAs which demonstrate that both systems have met the applicable
relative accuracy specifications in sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.7 of
appendix A to this part, unless the option in paragraph (b)(3) of
this section to use the data validation procedures and associated
timelines in § 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (b)(3)(ix) has been
selected, in which case the beginning and end of the out-of-control
period shall be determined in accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A)
and (B).
(h) For each monitoring system, report the results of all
completed and partial RATAs that affect data validation (i.e., all
completed, passed RATAs; all completed, failed RATAs; and all RATAs
aborted due to a problem with the CEMS, including trial RATA runs
counted as failed test attempts under paragraph (b)(2) of this
section or under § 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(F)) in the quarterly report
required under § 75.64. Note that RATA attempts that are aborted or
invalidated due to problems with the reference method or due to
operational problems with the affected unit(s) need not be
reported. Such runs do not affect the validation status of emission
data recorded by the CEMS. However, a record of all RATAs, trial
RATA runs and RATA attempts (whether reported or not) must be kept
on-site as part of the official test log for each monitoring
(i) Each time that a hands-off RATA of an SO2 pollutant
concentration monitor, a NOx-diluent monitoring system, a NOX
concentration monitoring system, or a flow monitor is passed,
perform a bias test in accordance with section 7.6.4 of appendix A
to this part. Apply the appropriate bias adjustment factor to the
reported SO2, NOX, or flow rate data, in accordance with section
7.6.5 of appendix A to this part.
(j) Failure of the bias test does not result in the monitoring
system being out-of-control.
(k) The results of any certification, recertification,
diagnostic, or quality assurance test required under this part may
not be used to validate the emissions data required under this
part, if the test is performed using EPA Protocol gas from a
production site that is not participating in the PGVP, except as
provided in § 75.21(g)(7) or if the cylinder(s) are analyzed by an
independent laboratory and shown to meet the requirements of
section 5.1.4(b) of appendix A to this part.
2.3.3 RATA Grace Period
(a) The owner or operator has a grace period of 720 consecutive
unit operating hours, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter (or, for
CEMS installed on common stacks or bypass stacks, 720 consecutive
stack operating hours, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), in
which to complete the required RATA for a particular CEMS
(1) A required RATA has not been performed by the end of the QA
operating quarter in which it is due; or
(2) A required 3-load flow RATA has not been performed by the
end of the calendar quarter in which it is due; or
(3) For a unit which is conditionally exempted under §
75.21(a)(7) from the SO2 RATA requirements of this part, an SO2
RATA has not been completed by the end of the calendar quarter in
which the annual usage of fuel(s) with a sulfur content higher than
very low sulfur fuel (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter) exceeds
480 hours; or
(4) Eight successive calendar quarters have elapsed, following
the quarter in which a RATA was last performed, without a
subsequent RATA having been done, due either to infrequent
operation of the unit(s) or frequent combustion of very low sulfur
fuel, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter (SO2 monitors, only), or
a combination of these factors.
(b) Except for SO2 monitoring system RATAs, the grace period
shall begin with the first unit (or stack) operating hour following
the calendar quarter in which the required RATA was due. For SO2
monitor RATAs, the grace period shall begin with the first unit (or
stack) operating hour in which fuel with a total sulfur content
higher than that of very low sulfur fuel (as defined in § 72.2 of
this chapter) is burned in the unit(s), following the quarter in
which the required RATA is due. Data validation during a RATA grace
period shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions
in section 2.3.2 of this appendix.
(c) If, at the end of the 720 unit (or stack) operating hour
grace period, the RATA has not been completed, data from the
monitoring system shall be invalid, beginning with the first unit
operating hour following the expiration of the grace period. Data
from the CEMS remain invalid until the hour of completion of a
subsequent hands-off RATA. The deadline for the next test shall be
either two QA operating quarters (if a semiannual RATA frequency is
obtained) or four QA operating quarters (if an annual RATA
frequency is obtained) after the quarter in which the RATA is
completed, not to exceed eight calendar quarters.
(d) When a RATA is done during a grace period in order to
satisfy a RATA requirement from a previous quarter, the deadline
for the next RATA shall determined as follows:
(1) If the grace period RATA qualifies for a reduced, (i.e.,
annual), RATA frequency the deadline for the next RATA shall be set
at three QA operating quarters after the quarter in which the grace
period test is completed.
(2) If the grace period RATA qualifies for the standard, (i.e.,
semiannual), RATA frequency the deadline for the next RATA shall be
set at two QA operating quarters after the quarter in which the
grace period test is completed.
(3) Notwithstanding these requirements, no more than eight
successive calendar quarters shall elapse after the quarter in
which the grace period test is completed, without a subsequent RATA
having been conducted.
2.3.4 Bias Adjustment Factor
Except as otherwise specified in section 7.6.5 of appendix A to
this part, if an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor, a flow
monitor, a NOX-diluent CEMS, or a NOX concentration monitoring
system used to calculate NOX mass emissions fails the bias test
specified in section 7.6 of appendix A to this part, use the bias
adjustment factor given in Equations A-11 and A-12 of appendix A to
this part or the allowable alternative BAF specified in section
7.6.5(b) of appendix A of this part, to adjust the monitored
2.4 Recertification, Quality Assurance, RATA Frequency and Bias
Adjustment Factors (Special Considerations)
(a) When a significant change is made to a monitoring system
such that recertification of the monitoring system is required in
accordance with § 75.20(b), a recertification test (or tests) must
be performed to ensure that the CEMS continues to generate valid
data. In all recertifications, a RATA will be one of the required
tests; for some recertifications, other tests will also be
required. A recertification test may be used to satisfy the quality
assurance test requirement of this appendix. For example, if, for a
particular change made to a CEMS, one of the required
recertification tests is a linearity check and the linearity check
is successful, then, unless another such recertification event
occurs in that same QA operating quarter, it would not be necessary
to perform an additional linearity test of the CEMS in that quarter
to meet the quality assurance requirement of section 2.2.1 of this
appendix. For this reason, EPA recommends that owners or operators
coordinate component replacements, system upgrades, and other
events that may require recertification, to the extent practicable,
with the periodic quality assurance testing required by this
appendix. When a quality assurance test is done for the dual
purpose of recertification and routine quality assurance, the
applicable data validation procedures in § 75.20(b)(3) shall be
(b) Except as provided in section 2.3.3 of this appendix,
whenever a passing RATA of a gas monitor is performed, or a passing
2-load (or 2-level) RATA or a passing 3-load (or 3-level) RATA of a
flow monitor is performed (irrespective of whether the RATA is done
to satisfy a recertification requirement or to meet the quality
assurance requirements of this appendix, or both), the RATA
frequency (semi-annual or annual) shall be established based upon
the date and time of completion of the RATA and the relative
accuracy percentage obtained. For 2-load (or 2-level) and 3-load
(or 3-level) flow RATAs, use the highest percentage relative
accuracy at any of the loads (or levels) to determine the RATA
frequency. The results of a single-load (or single-level) flow RATA
may be used to establish the RATA frequency when the single-load
(or single-level) flow RATA is specifically required under section of this appendix or when the single-load (or
single-level) RATA is allowed under section of this
appendix for a unit that has operated at one load level (or
operating level) for ≥85.0 percent of the time since the last
annual flow RATA. No other single-load (or single-level) flow RATA
may be used to establish an annual RATA frequency; however, a
2-load or 3-load (or a 2-level or 3-level) flow RATA may be
performed at any time or in place of any required single-load (or
single-level) RATA, in order to establish an annual RATA
2.5 Other Audits
Affected units may be subject to relative accuracy test audits
at any time. If a monitor or continuous emission monitoring system
fails the relative accuracy test during the audit, the monitor or
continuous emission monitoring system shall be considered to be
out-of-control beginning with the date and time of completion of
the audit, and continuing until a successful audit test is
completed following corrective action. If a monitor or monitoring
system fails the bias test during an audit, use the bias adjustment
factor given by equations A-11 and A-12 in appendix A to this part
to adjust the monitored data. Apply this adjustment factor from the
date and time of completion of the audit until the date and time of
completion of a relative accuracy test audit that does not show
Figure 1 to Appendix B of Part 75 - Quality
Assurance Test Requirements
Test |
Basic QA test
frequency requirements |
Daily * |
Quarterly * |
Semiannual or annual * |
Calibration Error
Test (2 pt.) |
X |
Interference Check
(flow) |
X |
Ratio |
X |
Leak Check (DP
flow monitors) |
X |
Linearity Check *
(3 pt.) |
X |
CO2, O2, H2O) 1 |
X |
RATA (flow)
1 2 |
X |
Figure 2 to Appendix B of Part 75 -
Relative Accuracy Test Frequency Incentive System
Semiannual W |
Annual W |
SO2 or NOX
Y |
7.5% <RA ≤10.0% or ±15.0
ppm X |
RA ≤7.5% or ±12.0 ppm
X. |
NOX-diluent |
7.5% <RA ≤10.0% or ±0.020
lb/mmBtu X |
RA ≤7.5% or ±0. 015 lb/mmBtu
X. |
Flow |
7.5% <RA ≤10.0% or ±2.0 fps
X |
RA ≤7.5% or ±1.5 fps
X. |
CO2 or O2 |
7.5% <RA ≤10.0% or ±1.0%
CO2/O2 X |
RA ≤7.5% or ±0.7% CO2/O2
X. |
Moisture |
7.5% <RA ≤10.0% or ±1.5%
H2O X |
RA ≤7.5% or ±1.0% H2O
X. |

[58 FR
3701, Jan. 11, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 26546, 26571, May 17,
1995; 61 FR 59165, Nov. 20, 1996; 64 FR 28644, May 26, 1999; 64 FR
37582, July 12, 1999; 67 FR 40456, 40457, June 12, 2002; 67 FR
53505, Aug. 16, 2002; 67 FR 57274, Sept. 9, 2002; 70 FR 28693, May
18, 2005; 72 FR 51528, Sept. 7, 2007; 73 FR 4367, Jan. 24, 2008; 76
FR 17321, Mar. 28, 2011]