Title 40


Subpart VVa - Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006 Source:72 FR 64883, Nov. 16, 2007, unless otherwise noted.

40: 60.480a
   60.480a Applicability and designation of affected facility.
40: 60.481a
   60.481a Definitions.
40: 60.482-1a
   60.482-1a Standards: General.
40: 60.482-2a
   60.482-2a Standards: Pumps in light liquid service.
40: 60.482-3a
   60.482-3a Standards: Compressors.
40: 60.482-4a
   60.482-4a Standards: Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service.
40: 60.482-5a
   60.482-5a Standards: Sampling connection systems.
40: 60.482-6a
   60.482-6a Standards: Open-ended valves or lines.
40: 60.482-7a
   60.482-7a Standards: Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
40: 60.482-8a
   60.482-8a Standards: Pumps, valves, and connectors in heavy liquid service and pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service.
40: 60.482-9a
   60.482-9a Standards: Delay of repair.
40: 60.482-10a
   60.482-10a Standards: Closed vent systems and control devices.
40: 60.482-11a
   60.482-11a Standards: Connectors in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service.
40: 60.483-1a
   60.483-1a Alternative standards for valves - allowable percentage of valves leaking.
40: 60.483-2a
   60.483-2a Alternative standards for valves - skip period leak detection and repair.
40: 60.484a
   60.484a Equivalence of means of emission limitation.
40: 60.485a
   60.485a Test methods and procedures.
40: 60.486a
   60.486a Recordkeeping requirements.
40: 60.487a
   60.487a Reporting requirements.
40: 60.488a
   60.488a Reconstruction.
40: 60.489a
   60.489a List of chemicals produced by affected facilities.