Title 40

PART 422

Part 422 - Phosphate Manufacturing Point Source Category

PART 422 - PHOSPHATE MANUFACTURING POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Authority:Secs. 301, 304 (b) and (c), 306 (b) and (c), and 307(c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 1251, 1311, 1314 (b) and (c), 1316 (b) and (c), 1317(c); 86 Stat. 816 et seq., Pub. L. 92-500; 91 Stat. 1567, Pub. L. 95-217. Source:39 FR 6582, Feb. 20, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - Phosphorus Production Subcategory
40: 422.10
   422.10 Applicability; description of the phosphorus production subcategory.
40: B
Subpart B - Phosphorus Consuming Subcategory
40: 422.20
   422.20 Applicability; description of the phosphorus consuming subcategory.
40: C
Subpart C - Phosphate Subcategory
40: 422.30
   422.30 Applicability; description of the phosphate subcategory.
40: D
Subpart D - Defluorinated Phosphate Rock Subcategory
40: 422.40
   422.40 Applicability; description of the defluorinated phosphate rock subcategory.
40: 422.41
   422.41 Specialized definitions.
40: 422.42
   422.42 Effluent limitations and guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
40: 422.43
   422.43 Effluent limitations and guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
40: 422.44
   422.44 [Reserved]
40: 422.45
   422.45 Standards of performance for new sources.
40: 422.46
   422.46 [Reserved]
40: 422.47
   422.47 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best conventional pollutant control technology.
40: E
Subpart E - Defluorinated Phosphoric Acid Subcategory
40: 422.50
   422.50 Applicability; description of the defluorinated phosphoric acid subcategory.
40: 422.51
   422.51 Specialized definitions.
40: 422.52
   422.52 Effluent limitations and guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
40: 422.53
   422.53 Effluent limitations and guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
40: 422.54
   422.54 [Reserved]
40: 422.55
   422.55 Standards of performance for new sources.
40: 422.56
   422.56 [Reserved]
40: 422.57
   422.57 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best conventional pollutant control technology.
40: F
Subpart F - Sodium Phosphates Subcategory
40: 422.60
   422.60 Applicability; description of the sodium phosphates subcategory.
40: 422.61
   422.61 Specialized definitions.
40: 422.62
   422.62 Effluent limitations and guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
40: 422.63
   422.63 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
40: 422.64
   422.64 [Reserved]
40: 422.65
   422.65 Standards of performance for new sources.
40: 422.66
   422.66 [Reserved]
40: 422.67
   422.67 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best conventional pollutant control technology.