Title 40


Subpart E - Primary Electrolytic Copper Refining Subcategory Source:49 FR 8801, Mar. 8, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

40: 421.50
   421.50 Applicability: Description of the primary electrolytic copper refining subcategory.
40: 421.51
   421.51 Specialized definitions.
40: 421.52
   421.52 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
40: 421.53
   421.53 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
40: 421.54
   421.54 Standards of performance for new sources.
40: 421.55
   421.55 [Reserved]
40: 421.56
   421.56 Pretreatment standards for new sources.
40: 421.57
   421.57 [Reserved]