Title 40

PART 401

Part 401 - General Provisions

PART 401 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Authority:33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Source:39 FR 4532, Feb. 1, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

40: 401.10
   401.10 Scope and purpose.
40: 401.11
   401.11 General definitions.
40: 401.12
   401.12 Law authorizing establishment of effluent limitations guidelines for existing sources, standards of performance for new sources and pretreatment standards of new and existing sources.
40: 401.13
   401.13 Test procedures for measurement.
40: 401.14
   401.14 Cooling water intake structures.
40: 401.15
   401.15 Toxic pollutants.
40: 401.16
   401.16 Conventional pollutants.
40: 401.17
   401.17 pH Effluent limitations under continuous monitoring.