Title 40

PART 304

Part 304 - Arbitration Procedures For Small Superfund Cost Recovery Claims

PART 304 - ARBITRATION PROCEDURES FOR SMALL SUPERFUND COST RECOVERY CLAIMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 9607(a) and 9622(h)(2), Executive Order No. 12580, 52 FR 2923 (January 29, 1987). Source:54 FR 23179, May 30, 1989, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - General
40: 304.10
   304.10 Purpose.
40: 304.11
   304.11 Scope and applicability.
40: 304.12
   304.12 Definitions.
40: B
Subpart B - Jurisdiction of Arbitrator, Referral of Claims, and Appointment of Arbitrator
40: 304.20
   304.20 Jurisdiction of Arbitrator.
40: 304.21
   304.21 Referral of claims.
40: 304.22
   304.22 Appointment of Arbitrator.
40: 304.23
   304.23 Disclosure and challenge procedures.
40: 304.24
   304.24 Intervention and withdrawal.
40: 304.25
   304.25 Ex parte communication.
40: C
Subpart C - Hearings Before the Arbitrator
40: 304.30
   304.30 Filing of pleadings.
40: 304.31
   304.31 Pre-hearing conference.
40: 304.32
   304.32 Arbitral hearing.
40: 304.33
   304.33 Arbitral decision and public comment.
40: D
Subpart D - Other Provisions
40: 304.40
   304.40 Effect and enforcement of final decision.
40: 304.41
   304.41 Administrative fees, expenses, and Arbitrator's fee.
40: 304.42
   304.42 Miscellaneous provisions.