Appendix XIII to Part 266 - Mercury Bearing Wastes That May Be Processed in Exempt Mercury Recovery Units
40: : Appendix XIII
Appendix XIII to Part 266 - Mercury Bearing Wastes That May Be
Processed in Exempt Mercury Recovery Units
These are exempt mercury-bearing materials with less than 500
ppm of 40 CFR Part 261, appendix VIII organic constituents when
generated by manufacturers or users of mercury or mercury
1. Activated carbon 2. Decomposer graphite 3. Wood 4. Paper 5.
Protective clothing 6. Sweepings 7. Respiratory cartridge filters
8. Cleanup articles 9. Plastic bags and other contaminated
containers 10. Laboratory and process control samples 11. K106 and
other wastewater treatment plant sludge and filter cake 12. Mercury
cell sump and tank sludge 13. Mercury cell process solids 14.
Recoverable levels of mercury contained in soil [59 FR 48042, Sept.
19, 1994, as amended at 71 FR 40278, July 14, 2006]