Title 40

PART 256

Part 256 - Guidelines For Development And Implementation Of State Solid Waste Management Plans

PART 256 - GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS Authority:Sec. 4002(b), Pub. L. 94-580, 90 Stat. 2813(b) (42 U.S.C. 6942(b)). Source:44 FR 45079, July 31, 1979, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:For approval of State solid waste management plans see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids section of this volume.

40: A
Subpart A - Purpose, General Requirements, Definitions
40: 256.01
   256.01 Purpose and scope of the guidelines.
40: 256.02
   256.02 Scope of the State solid waste management plan.
40: 256.03
   256.03 State plan submission, adoption, and revision.
40: 256.04
   256.04 State plan approval, financial assistance.
40: 256.05
   256.05 Annual work program.
40: 256.06
   256.06 Definitions.
40: B
Subpart B - Identification of Responsibilities; Distribution of Funding
40: 256.10
   256.10 Requirements.
40: 256.11
   256.11 Recommendations.
40: C
Subpart C - Solid Waste Disposal Programs
40: 256.20
   256.20 Requirements for State legal authority.
40: 256.21
   256.21 Requirements for State regulatory powers.
40: 256.22
   256.22 Recommendations for State regulatory powers.
40: 256.23
   256.23 Requirements for closing or upgrading open dumps.
40: 256.24
   256.24 Recommendations for closing or upgrading open dumps.
40: 256.25
   256.25 Recommendation for inactive facilities.
40: 256.26
   256.26 Requirement for schedules leading to compliance with the prohibition of open dumping.
40: 256.27
   256.27 Recommendation for schedules leading to compliance with the prohibition of open dumping.
40: D
Subpart D - Resource Conservation and Resource Recovery Programs
40: 256.30
   256.30 Requirements.
40: 256.31
   256.31 Recommendations for developing and implementing resource conservation and recovery programs.
40: E
Subpart E - Facility Planning and Implementation
40: 256.40
   256.40 Requirements.
40: 256.41
   256.41 Recommendations for assessing the need for facilities.
40: 256.42
   256.42 Recommendations for assuring facility development.
40: F
Subpart F - Coordination With Other Programs
40: 256.50
   256.50 Requirements.
40: G
Subpart G - Public Participation
40: 256.60
   256.60 Requirements for public participation in State and substate plans.
40: 256.61
   256.61 Requirements for public participation in the annual State work program.
40: 256.62
   256.62 Requirements for public participation in State regulatory development.
40: 256.63
   256.63 Requirements for public participation in the permitting of facilities.
40: 256.64
   256.64 Requirements for public participation in the open dump inventory.
40: 256.65
   256.65 Recommendations for public participation.