Title 40

PART 255

Part 255 - Identification Of Regions And Agencies For Solid Waste Management

PART 255 - IDENTIFICATION OF REGIONS AND AGENCIES FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Authority:Sec. 2002(a)(1), Pub. L. 94-580, 90 Stat. 2795 (42 U.S.C. 6912(a)(1)). Also issued under sec. 4006(b), Pub. L. 94-580, 90 Stat. 2795 (42 U.S.C. 6946(b)). Source:42 FR 24927, May 16, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 255.1
   255.1 Scope and purpose.
40: 255.2
   255.2 Definitions.
40: B
Subpart B - Criteria for Identifying Regions and Agencies
40: 255.10
   255.10 Criteria for identifying regions.
40: 255.11
   255.11 Criteria for identifying agencies.
40: C
Subpart C - Procedures for Identifying Regions and Agencies
40: 255.20
   255.20 Preliminary identification of regions.
40: 255.21
   255.21 Local consultation on boundaries.
40: 255.22
   255.22 Establishing regional boundaries.
40: 255.23
   255.23 Joint identification of agencies.
40: 255.24
   255.24 Procedure for identifying interstate regions.
40: 255.25
   255.25 Public participation.
40: D
Subpart D - Responsibilities of Identified Agencies and Relationship to Other Programs
40: 255.30
   255.30 Responsibilities established.
40: 255.31
   255.31 Integration with other acts.
40: 255.32
   255.32 Coordination with other programs.
40: 255.33
   255.33 Inclusion of Federal facilities and Native American Reservations.
40: E
Subpart E - Submission and Revision of Identifications
40: 255.40
   255.40 Notification of status.
40: 255.41
   255.41 Procedure for revision.