Title 40

PART 105

Part 105 - Recognition Awards Under The Clean Water Act

PART 105 - RECOGNITION AWARDS UNDER THE CLEAN WATER ACT Authority:Section 501(a) and (e) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. 1361(a) and (e). Source:67 FR 6142, Feb. 8, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

40: 1
40: 105.1
   105.1 Background.
40: 105.2
   105.2 Definitions.
40: 105.3
   105.3 Title.
40: 2
   Eligibility Requirements
40: 105.4
   105.4 What are the requirements for the Awards Program
40: 105.5
   105.5 Who is eligible to win an award
40: 105.6
   105.6 What are the Awards Program categories for which I may be eligible
40: 3
   Application and Nomination Process
40: 105.7
   105.7 How do I apply for an award
40: 105.8
   105.8 When can I apply for an award
40: 105.9
   105.9 How can I get nominated for an award
40: 4
   Selection Criteria
40: 105.10
   105.10 What do I need to be considered for an award
40: 105.11
   105.11 Who selects the award winners
40: 105.12
   105.12 How is the awards review committee selected
40: 105.13
   105.13 How are the award winners selected
40: 5
   Awards Recognition
40: 105.14
   105.14 How are award winners notified
40: 105.15
   105.15 How are award winners recognized
40: 105.16
   105.16 How are award winners publicized