Title 39

PART 3040

Part 3040 - Product Lists And The Mail Classification Schedule

PART 3040 - PRODUCT LISTS AND THE MAIL CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE Authority:39 U.S.C. 503; 3622; 3631; 3642; 3682. Source:72 FR 63698, Nov. 9, 2007, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 85 FR 9615, Feb. 19, 2020.

39: A
Subpart A - Product Lists and the Mail Classification Schedule
39: 3040.101
   3040.101 Applicability.
39: 3040.102
   3040.102 Product lists.
39: 3040.103
   3040.103 Notice of product list change.
39: 3040.104
   3040.104 Mail Classification Schedule.
39: 3040.105
   3040.105 Modifications to the Mail Classification Schedule.
39: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 3040 - Market Dominant Product List
39: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart A of Part 3040 - Competitive Product List
39: B
Subpart B - Requests Initiated by the Postal Service To Modify the Product Lists
39: 3040.130
   3040.130 General.
39: 3040.131
   3040.131 Contents of a request.
39: 3040.132
   3040.132 Supporting justification.
39: 3040.133
   3040.133 Docket and notice.
39: 3040.134
   3040.134 Review.
39: 3040.135
   3040.135 Further proceedings.
39: C
Subpart C - Requests Initiated by Users of the Mail to Modify the Product Lists
39: 3040.150
   3040.150 General.
39: 3040.151
   3040.151 Contents of a request.
39: 3040.152
   3040.152 Supporting justification.
39: 3040.153
   3040.153 Docket and notice.
39: 3040.154
   3040.154 Postal Service notice and reply.
39: 3040.155
   3040.155 Review.
39: 3040.156
   3040.156 Further proceedings.
39: D
Subpart D - Proposal of the Commission to Modify the Product Lists
39: 3040.170
   3040.170 General.
39: 3040.171
   3040.171 Contents of a proposal.
39: 3040.172
   3040.172 Supporting justification.
39: 3040.173
   3040.173 Docket and notice.
39: 3040.174
   3040.174 Postal Service notice and reply.
39: 3040.175
   3040.175 Review.
39: 3040.176
   3040.176 Further proceedings.
39: E
Subpart E - Requests Initiated by the Postal Service To Make Material Changes or Minor Corrections to the Mail Classification Schedule
39: 3040.180
   3040.180 Material changes to product descriptions.
39: 3040.181
   3040.181 Supporting justification for material changes to product descriptions.
39: 3040.182
   3040.182 Docket and notice of material changes to product descriptions.
39: 3040.183
   3040.183 Commission review of material changes to product descriptions.
39: 3040.184-3040.189
   3040.184-3040.189 [Reserved]
39: 3040.190
   3040.190 Minor corrections to product descriptions.
39: 3040.191
   3040.191 Docket and notice of minor corrections to product descriptions.
39: 3040.192
   3040.192 Commission review of minor corrections to product descriptions.
39: F
Subpart F - Size and Weight Limitations for Mail Matter
39: 3040.210
   3040.210 General.
39: 3040.211
   3040.211 Limitations applicable to market dominant mail matter.
39: 3040.212
   3040.212 Limitations applicable to competitive mail matter.
39: G
Subpart G - Requests for Market Dominant Negotiated Service Agreements
39: 3040.220
   3040.220 General.
39: 3040.221
   3040.221 Additional supporting justification for negotiated service agreements.
39: 3040.222
   3040.222 Data collection plan and report for negotiated service agreements.