Title 39

PART 3020

Part 3020 - Rules Applicable To Postal Service Requests For Changes In The Nature Of Postal Services

PART 3020 - RULES APPLICABLE TO POSTAL SERVICE REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IN THE NATURE OF POSTAL SERVICES Authority:39 U.S.C. 404(d); 503; 504; 3661. Source:85 FR 9649, Feb. 19, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

39: 3020.101
   3020.101 Applicability.
39: 3020.102
   3020.102 Advisory opinion and special studies.
39: 3020.103
   3020.103 Computation of time.
39: 3020.104
   3020.104 Service by the Postal Service.
39: 3020.105
   3020.105 Motions.
39: 3020.106-3020.109
   3020.106-3020.109 [Reserved]
39: 3020.110
   3020.110 Procedural schedule.
39: 3020.111
   3020.111 Pre-filing requirements.
39: 3020.112
   3020.112 Filing of formal requests.
39: 3020.113
   3020.113 Contents of formal requests.
39: 3020.114
   3020.114 Filing of prepared direct evidence.
39: 3020.115
   3020.115 Mandatory technical conference.
39: 3020.116
   3020.116 Discovery - in general.
39: 3020.117
   3020.117 Interrogatories.
39: 3020.118
   3020.118 Production of documents.
39: 3020.119
   3020.119 Admissions.
39: 3020.120
   3020.120 Rebuttal testimony.
39: 3020.121
   3020.121 Surrebuttal testimony.
39: 3020.122
   3020.122 Hearings.
39: 3020.123
   3020.123 Initial and reply briefs.
39: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 3020 - Pro Forma N-Case Procedural Schedule