Title 39

PART 3011

Part 3011 - Non-public Materials Provided To The Commission

PART 3011 - NON-PUBLIC MATERIALS PROVIDED TO THE COMMISSION Authority:39 U.S.C. 503, 504. Source:83 FR 31281, July 3, 2018, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 85 FR 9615, Feb. 19, 2020.

39: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
39: 3011.100
   3011.100 Applicability and Scope.
39: 3011.101
   3011.101 Definitions.
39: 3011.102
   3011.102 Treatment of non-public materials.
39: 3011.103
   3011.103 Commission action to determine non-public treatment.
39: 3011.104
   3011.104 Standard for public disclosure of materials claimed to contain non-public information.
39: B
Subpart B - Submitting Non-Public Materials and Seeking Non-Public Treatment
39: 3011.200
   3011.200 General requirements for submitting non-public materials and seeking non-public treatment.
39: 3011.201
   3011.201 Application for non-public treatment.
39: 3011.202
   3011.202 Redacted version of the non-public materials.
39: 3011.203
   3011.203 Unredacted version of the non-public materials.
39: 3011.204
   3011.204 Protections for any person other than the submitter with a proprietary interest.
39: 3011.205
   3011.205 Non-public materials inadvertently submitted publicly.
39: C
Subpart C - Seeking Access to Non-Public Materials
39: 3011.300
   3011.300 Eligibility for access to non-public materials.
39: 3011.301
   3011.301 Motion for access to non-public materials.
39: 3011.302
   3011.302 Non-dissemination, use, and care of non-public materials.
39: 3011.303
   3011.303 Sanctions for violating protective conditions.
39: 3011.304
   3011.304 Termination and amendment of access to non-public materials.
39: 3011.305
   3011.305 Producing non-public materials in non-Commission proceedings.
39: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 3011 - Template Forms Protective Conditions Statement
39: D
Subpart D - Seeking Public Disclosure of Non-Public Materials
39: 3011.400
   3011.400 Motion for disclosure of non-public materials.
39: 3011.401
   3011.401 Materials for which non-public treatment has expired.
39: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 3011 - Template Forms