Title 39

PART 3006

Part 3006 - Public Records And Freedom Of Information Act

PART 3006 - PUBLIC RECORDS AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Authority:5 U.S.C. 552; 39 U.S.C. 503. Source:74 FR 57256, Nov. 5, 2009, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 85 FR 9615, Feb. 19, 2020.

39: 3006.1
   3006.1 Purpose.
39: 3006.2
   3006.2 Presumption of openness.
39: 3006.3
   3006.3 How to make a request.
39: 3006.10
   3006.10 Public records.
39: 3006.11
   3006.11 Use of exemptions.
39: 3006.12
   3006.12 Reading room.
39: 3006.13
   3006.13 Notice and publication of public information.
39: 3006.20
   3006.20 Commission procedure when served a subpoena.
39: 3006.30
   3006.30 Relationship among the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, and the Commission's procedures for according appropriate confidentiality.
39: 3006.40
   3006.40 Hard copy requests for records and for expedited processing.
39: 3006.41
   3006.41 Electronic requests for records and for expedited processing.
39: 3006.42
   3006.42 Tracking of requests.
39: 3006.43
   3006.43 Response to requests.
39: 3006.44
   3006.44 Appeals.
39: 3006.45
   3006.45 Extension of response time limit.
39: 3006.50
   3006.50 Fees - definitions as used in this part.
39: 3006.51
   3006.51 Fees - request category.
39: 3006.52
   3006.52 Fees - general provisions.
39: 3006.53
   3006.53 Fee schedule.
39: 3006.54
   3006.54 Procedure for assessing and collecting fees.
39: 3006.60
   3006.60 Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer.
39: 3006.61
   3006.61 Freedom of Information Act Public Liaison.
39: 3006.70
   3006.70 Submission of non-public materials by a person other than the Postal Service.