Title 39

PART 3000

Part 3000 - The Commission And Its Offices

PART 3000 - THE COMMISSION AND ITS OFFICES Authority:39 U.S.C. 503; 5 U.S.C. 552. Source:78 FR 27045, May 9, 2013, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 85 FR 9615, Feb. 19, 2020.

39: 3000.101
   3000.101 Purpose.
39: 3000.102
   3000.102 Statutory functions.
39: 3000.103
   3000.103 Official seal.
39: 3000.104-3000.109
   3000.104-3000.109 [Reserved]
39: 3000.110
   3000.110 The Commission and its offices.
39: 3000.111
   3000.111 Office of Secretary and Administration.
39: 3000.112
   3000.112 Office of Accountability and Compliance.
39: 3000.113
   3000.113 Office of the General Counsel.
39: 3000.114
   3000.114 The Public Representative.
39: 3000.115
   3000.115 Office of Public Affairs and Government Relations.
39: 3000.116
   3000.116 Office of Inspector General.