Appendix A to Part 200 - Categorical Exclusions
38: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 200 - Categorical Exclusions A.1 Purpose
The purpose of Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs) is to limit
extensive NEPA analysis to those actions that may be major Federal
actions significantly affecting the quality of the human
environment, thus saving time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.
A.2 Definition
An action is categorically excluded from the requirement to
prepare an EA or an EIS if it meets the following definition:
“Categorical exclusion” means a category of actions which do not
individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human
environment and which have been found to have no such effect in
procedures adopted by a Federal agency in implementation of these
regulations and for which, therefore, neither an environmental
assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required. An
agency may decide in its procedures or otherwise, to prepare
environmental assessments for the reasons stated in § 1508.9 even
though it is not required to do so. Any procedures under this
section shall provide for extraordinary circumstances in which a
normally excluded action may have a significant environmental
effect. (40 CFR 1508.4)
AFRH has identified two types of CATEXs: (1) The CATEX, which
does not require documentation and requires completion of an
environmental checklist.
A.3 CATEXs - Requires No Documentation
The following CATEXs require no documentation.
A.3(a) Granting a lease (i.e., outlease), an easement,
license, permit (i.e., licenses to Federal entities), or
other arrangements for Federal or non-Federal use of AFRH
controlled real property, where such use will remain substantially
the same in scope and intensity.
A.3(b) Extensions or renewals of leases, licenses or permits
(i.e., licenses to Federal entities) or succeeding leases,
easements, licenses or permits whether AFRH is acting as grantor or
grantee and there is no change in use of the facility.
A.3(c) Repair and alteration projects involving, but not
adversely affecting, properties listed on or eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places.
A.3(d) Repair to or replacement in kind of equipment or
components in AFRH-controlled facilities without change in
location, e.g., HVAC, electrical distribution systems, windows,
doors or roof.
A.3(e) Disposal or other disposition of claimed or unclaimed
personal property of deceased persons.
A.3(f) Supportive services that include health care and housing
services, permanent housing placement, day care, nutritional
services, collection of payment for services, short-term payments
for rent/mortgage/utility costs, and assistance in gaining access
to local, State, and Federal government benefits and services.
A.3(g) Normal personnel, fiscal, and administrative activities
involving civilian personnel (recruiting, processing, paying, and
records keeping).
A.3(h) Routine or minor facility maintenance, custodial, and
groundskeeping activities such as window washing, lawn mowing,
trash collecting, and snow removal that do not involve
environmentally sensitive areas (such as eroded areas, wetlands,
cultural sites, or areas with endangered/threatened species).
A.3(i) Environmental Site Assessment activities under RCRA and
A.3(j) Geological, geophysical, geochemical, and engineering
surveys and mapping, including the establishment of survey
A.3(k) Installation and operation of ambient air and noise
monitoring equipment that does not include constructing or erecting
A.3(l) Routine procurement of goods and services (complying with
applicable procedures for sustainable or “green” procurement) to
support operations and infrastructure, including routine utility
services and contracts.
A.3(m) Routine movement/relocations of residents on site.
A.4 CATEXs Requiring Documentation
The following are categorical exclusions that require
preparation of a checklist to ensure that no extraordinary
circumstances exist that would require preparation of an EA or EIS.
Checklists may be obtained from the Master Planner at 3700 North
Capitol Street, NW., Washington, DC 20011.
A.4(a) Expansion or improvement of an existing facility where
all of the following conditions are met:
A.4(a)(1) The structure and proposed use are substantially in
compliance with local planning and zoning and any applicable State
or Federal requirements;
A.4(a)(2) The proposed use will only slightly increase the
number of motor vehicles at the facility;
A.4(a)(3) The site and the scale of construction are consistent
with those of existing adjacent or nearby buildings; and
A.4(a)(4) There is no evidence of environmental controversy.
A.4(b) Transfer or disposal of real property to State or local
agencies for preservation or protection of wildlife conservation
and historic monument purposes.
A.4(c) Disposal of fixtures, related personal property,
demountable structures, and transmission lines in accordance with
management requirements.
A.4(d) Disposal of properties where the size, area, topography,
and zoning are similar to existing surrounding properties and/or
where current and reasonable anticipated uses are or would be
similar to current surrounding uses (e.g., commercial store in a
commercial strip, warehouse in an urban complex, office building in
downtown area, row house or vacant lot in an urban area).
A.4(e) Demolition, removal and disposal of debris from the
demolition or improvement of buildings and other structures neither
on nor eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic
Places and when under applicable regulations (i.e., removal
of asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other hazardous
material) when other environmental laws and regulations will be
satisfied prior to the of demolition, removal and disposal.
A.4(f) Relocations and realignments of employees and/or
residents from one geographic area to another that: Fall below the
thresholds for reportable actions and do not involve related
activities such as construction, renovation, or demolition
activities that would otherwise require an EA or an EIS to
impellent. This includes reorganization and reassignments with no
changes in employee and/or resident status, and routine
administrative reorganizations and consolidations.