Title 36


Subpart D - Glossary of Terms

36: 910.50
   910.50 General.
36: 910.51
   910.51 Access.
36: 910.52
   910.52 Buildable area.
36: 910.53
   910.53 Building restriction line.
36: 910.54
   910.54 Build-to height.
36: 910.55
   910.55 Build-to line.
36: 910.56
   910.56 Coordinated planning area.
36: 910.57
   910.57 Curb-cut.
36: 910.58
   910.58 Development.
36: 910.59
   910.59 Development parcel.
36: 910.60
   910.60 Gross floor area.
36: 910.61
   910.61 Height of development.
36: 910.62
   910.62 The Plan.
36: 910.63
   910.63 Rehabilitation.
36: 910.64
   910.64 Replication.
36: 910.65
   910.65 Restoration.
36: 910.66
   910.66 Sidewalk setback.
36: 910.67
   910.67 Square guidelines.
36: 910.68
   910.68 Storefront.
36: 910.69
   910.69 Structural bay.
36: 910.70
   910.70 Vault.
36: 910.71
   910.71 Weather protection.