Title 36

PART 810

Part 810 - Freedom Of Information Act Regulations

PART 810 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REGULATIONS Authority:Pub. L. 89-665, 80 Stat. 915 (16 U.S.C. 470) as amended by Pub. L. 91-243, Pub. L. 93-54, Pub. L. 94-422, Pub. L. 94-458, Pub. L. 96-199, Pub. L. 96-244, Pub. L. 96-515. Source:46 FR 45334, Sept. 11, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

36: 810.1
   810.1 Purpose and scope.
36: 810.2
   810.2 Procedure for requesting information.
36: 810.3
   810.3 Action on requests.
36: 810.4
   810.4 Appeals.
36: 810.5
   810.5 Fees.
36: 810.6
   810.6 Exemptions.