Title 36

PART 801

Part 801 - Historic Preservation Requirements Of The Urban Development Action Grant Program

PART 801 - HISTORIC PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT PROGRAM Authority:Pub. L. 89-665, 80 Stat. 915 (16 U.S.C. 470); Pub. L. 94-422, 90 Stat. 1320 (16 U.S.C. 470(i)); Pub. L. 96-399, 94 Stat. 1619 (42 U.S.C. 5320). Source:46 FR 42428, Aug. 20, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

36: 801.1
   801.1 Purpose and authorities.
36: 801.2
   801.2 Definitions.
36: 801.3
   801.3 Applicant responsibilities.
36: 801.4
   801.4 Council comments.
36: 801.5
   801.5 State Historic Preservation Officer responsibilities.
36: 801.6
   801.6 Coordination with requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
36: 801.7
   801.7 Information requirements.
36: 801.8
   801.8 Public participation.
   Appendix 1 to Part 801 - Identification of Properties: General
   Appendix 2 to Part 801 - Special Procedures for Identification and Consideration of Archeological Properties in an Urban Context