Title 36


Subpart B - Testimony by Employees and Production of Documents in Certain Legal Proceedings Where the Library Is Not a Party

36: 703.15
   703.15 Purpose and scope of this subpart.
36: 703.16
   703.16 Policy on presentation of testimony and production of documents.
36: 703.17
   703.17 Procedures when testimony and/or documents are demanded.
36: 703.18
   703.18 Procedures when an employee's appearance is demanded or documents are demanded.
36: 703.19
   703.19 Requests for authenticated copies of Library documents.
36: 703.20
   703.20 File copies.
36: 703.21
   703.21 Effect of this part.
36: 703.22
   703.22 Where to serve demands.