Title 36

PART 701

Part 701 - Procedures And Services

PART 701 - PROCEDURES AND SERVICES Authority:2 U.S.C. 136; 18 U.S.C. 1017. Source:69 FR 39838, July 1, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

36: 701.1
   701.1 Information about the Library.
36: 701.2
   701.2 Acquisition of Library material by non-purchase means.
36: 701.3
   701.3 Methods of disposition of surplus and/or duplicate materials.
36: 701.4
   701.4 Contracting Officers.
36: 701.5
   701.5 Policy on authorized use of the Library name, seal, or logo.
36: 701.6
   701.6 Loans of library materials for blind and other print-disabled persons.
36: 701.7
   701.7 Certain terms in license agreements.