Title 36

PART 520

Part 520 - Rules And Regulations Governing The Buildings And Grounds Of The National Zoological Park Of The Smithsonian Institution

PART 520 - RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OF THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Authority:Secs. 1-9, 65 Stat. 634, as amended, secs. 1-4, 78 Stat. 365; 40 U.S.C. 193n-193w. Source:33 FR 17175, Nov. 20, 1968, unless otherwise noted.

36: 520.1
   520.1 General.
36: 520.2
   520.2 Recording presence.
36: 520.3
   520.3 Preservation of property.
36: 520.4
   520.4 Protection of zoo animals.
36: 520.5
   520.5 Conformity with signs and emergency directions.
36: 520.6
   520.6 Nuisances.
36: 520.7
   520.7 Gambling.
36: 520.8
   520.8 Intoxicating beverages and narcotics.
36: 520.9
   520.9 Soliciting, vending, debt collection, and distribution of handbills.
36: 520.10
   520.10 Placards, signs, banners, and flags.
36: 520.11
   520.11 Dogs and other animals.
36: 520.12
   520.12 Photographs for news, advertising, or commercial purposes.
36: 520.13
   520.13 Items to be checked.
36: 520.14
   520.14 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
36: 520.15
   520.15 Weapons and explosives.
36: 520.16
   520.16 Nondiscrimination.
36: 520.17
   520.17 Lost and found.
36: 520.18
   520.18 Penalties.