Title 36

PART 404

Part 404 - Procedures And Guidelines For Compliance With The Freedom Of Information Act

PART 404 - PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Authority:Pub. L. 114-185, 130 Stat. 538 (5 U.S.C. 552 note). Source:85 FR 29622, May 18, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

36: 404.1
   404.1 General.
36: 404.2
   404.2 Authority and functions.
36: 404.3
   404.3 Organization.
36: 404.4
   404.4 Access to information.
36: 404.5
   404.5 Inspection and copying.
36: 404.6
   404.6 Definitions.
36: 404.7
   404.7 Fees to be charged - general.
36: 404.8
   404.8 Fees to be charged - categories of requesters.
36: 404.9
   404.9 Miscellaneous fee provisions.
36: 404.10
   404.10 Waiver or reduction of charges.