Title 36

PART 294

Part 294 - Special Areas

PART 294 - SPECIAL AREAS Source:38 FR 5852, Mar. 5, 1973, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - Miscellaneous Provisions
36: 294.1
   294.1 Recreation areas.
36: 294.2
   294.2 Navigation of aircraft within airspace reservation over the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest, Minnesota.
36: 294.3-294.9
   294.3-294.9 [Reserved]
36: B
Subpart B - State Petitions for Inventoried Roadless Area Management
36: 294.10
   294.10 Purpose.
36: 294.11
   294.11 Definition.
36: 294.12
   294.12 State petitions.
36: 294.13
   294.13 Petition process.
36: 294.14
   294.14 Petition contents.
36: 294.15
   294.15 Advisory committee review.
36: 294.16
   294.16 State-specific rulemaking.
36: 294.17
   294.17 Scope and applicability.
36: 294.18
   294.18 Severability.
36: C
Subpart C - Idaho Roadless Area Management
36: 294.20
   294.20 Purpose.
36: 294.21
   294.21 Definitions.
36: 294.22
   294.22 Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: 294.23
   294.23 Road construction and reconstruction in Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: 294.24
   294.24 Timber cutting, sale, or removal in Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: 294.25
   294.25 Mineral activities in Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: 294.26
   294.26 Other activities in Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: 294.27
   294.27 Corrections and modifications.
36: 294.28
   294.28 Scope and applicability.
36: 294.29
   294.29 List of designated Idaho Roadless Areas.
36: D
Subpart D - Colorado Roadless Area Management
36: 294.40
   294.40 Purpose.
36: 294.41
   294.41 Definitions.
36: 294.42
   294.42 Prohibition on tree cutting, sale, or removal.
36: 294.43
   294.43 Prohibition on road construction and reconstruction.
36: 294.44
   294.44 Prohibition on linear construction zones.
36: 294.45
   294.45 Environmental documentation.
36: 294.46
   294.46 Other activities.
36: 294.47
   294.47 Modifications and administrative corrections.
36: 294.48
   294.48 Scope and applicability.
36: 294.49
   294.49 List of designated Colorado Roadless Areas.
36: E
Subpart E - Alaska Roadless Areas Management
36: 294.50
   294.50 Tongass National Forest.
36: 294.51
   294.51 Transition.