Title 36


Subpart F - Hells Canyon National Recreation Area - Federal Lands Authority:16 U.S.C. 460gg-7. Source:59 FR 36882, July 19, 1994, unless otherwise noted.

36: 292.40
   292.40 Purpose and scope.
36: 292.41
   292.41 Definitions.
36: 292.42
   292.42 Management standards and guidelines.
36: 292.43
   292.43 Protection and preservation of cultural and paleontological resources.
36: 292.44
   292.44 Use of motorized and mechanical equipment.
36: 292.45
   292.45 Use of motorized and non-motorized rivercraft.
36: 292.46
   292.46 Timber harvesting activities.
36: 292.47
   292.47 Mining activities.
36: 292.48
   292.48 Grazing activities.