Title 36
PART 271
Part 271 - Use Of “smokey Bear” Symbol
- Authority: 66 Stat. 92 (18 U.S.C. 711).
- Source: 27 FR 6928, July 21, 1962, unless otherwise noted.
36: | SECTION 271.1 | 271.1 Definitions. | |
36: | SECTION 271.2 | 271.2 Use of official campaign materials. | |
36: | SECTION 271.3 | 271.3 Public service use. | |
36: | SECTION 271.4 | 271.4 Commercial license. | |
36: | SECTION 271.5 | 271.5 [Reserved] | |
36: | SECTION 271.6 | 271.6 Review of licenses. | |
36: | SECTION 271.7 | 271.7 Power to revoke. | |
36: | SECTION 271.8 | 271.8 Consultation with Association of State Foresters and the Advertising Council. |