Title 36

PART 264

Part 264 - Property Management

PART 264 - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Authority:5 U.S.C. 301.

36: A
Subpart A - Official Forest Service Insignia
36: 264.1
   264.1 Definitions.
36: 264.2
   264.2 Use of insignia.
36: 264.3
   264.3 Licensing for commercial use.
36: 264.4
   264.4 Unauthorized use.
36: 264.5
   264.5 Power to revoke.
36: B
Subpart B - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Symbol
36: 264.10
   264.10 Establishment.
36: 264.11
   264.11 Use of symbol.
36: 264.12
   264.12 Use without permission.
36: 264.13
   264.13 Unauthorized use.