Title 36

PART 241

Part 241 - Fish And Wildlife

PART 241 - FISH AND WILDLIFE Authority:16 U.S.C. 472, 539, 551, 683.

36: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
36: 241.1
   241.1 Cooperation in wildlife protection.
36: 241.2
   241.2 Cooperation in wildlife management.
36: 241.3
   241.3 Federal refuge regulations.
36: B
Subpart B - Conservation of Fish, Wildlife, and Their Habitat, Chugach National Forest, Alaska
36: 241.20
   241.20 Scope and applicability.
36: 241.21
   241.21 Definitions.
36: 241.22
   241.22 Consistency determinations.
36: 241.23
   241.23 Taking of fish and wildlife.